Am I eating to much 5 days post op??
Am I eating too much to be 5 days post op? I have no problem taking in fluids or soft foods of any kind. Today I had 1/2 protein drink, gatorade/water throughout the day, 1/2 cup broth, 1 cup tomatoe soup, then about 3/4 cup of sugar-free pudding. Plus I notice I still have an appettite. Is this sound normal?? — Melissa B. (posted on April 7, 2003)
April 6, 2003
Liquids like broth, soup or pudding are basically going to go quickly
through the pouch...JR
— John Rushton
April 6, 2003
I was very hungry at 5 days post op because liquids do go right through
your pouch. Today at 2 1/2 wks post op I am on soft solids and am NEVER
hungry. You sound like you are doing great and congratulations on your new
— denisel
April 7, 2003
I am in the same boat-- I can eat 4 oz of yogurt and not be full.. 11 days
post op.
— Monique W.
April 7, 2003
You sound exactly like I did when I was newly post-op. These foods pass
easily thru the pouch, and so you won't feel very full. SF pudding was the
best to keep me feeling satisfied at this stage of recovery. This can also
be a terrible head hunger time!
— Patricia E.
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