What do gall stones feel like?

Can anyone tell me what the symptoms of gall stones are? What do they feel like?    — Peggy D. (posted on April 4, 2003)

April 4, 2003
Hi Peggy- It's my understanding that gallstones can feel different to each person. My experience was that I had just woken up and felt a little queazy. Within a few minutes, I felt like I had the stomach flu and was looking for the Pepto. In about another minute, I had the most severe pain I've ever experienced to this day, in the center of my lower chest, between my breasts. The pain would come on strong and then recede for a few minutes, total time about 1/2 hour. Stupidly, I drove myself to the hospital (about 10 minutes) away, burst into the Emergency Room and said "I'm having a heart attack!" The nurse said "Sit DOWN! (meanly)", then I followed her orders, because I passed out. The next thing I remember was being woken up in the ER, they had given me pain medicine and scheduled me for an ultrasound in a few days. That was 15 years ago, I don't know what the procedure would be today. My sister-in-law would experience bad pains but not as excruciating as mine were. She went thru them for about 6 months before seeking advice because she was scared. Her pains were in her lower chest but slightly to her right side. Good Luck to you, hope you don't have them!
   — Mea A.

April 4, 2003
I had gall stones with my first baby and almost lost him, spent 3 days in the hospital until they stablized it and then went through two more the same way (had my 3 kids back to back) I was 5 mo prego and I thought I was in labor lol well I did'nt know! I got them removed after my 3rd child. I had really bad chest, neck and sholder pain, worse than being in labor! My girlfriend had stomach and back pain from hers, so I guess the pain is different for everyone, but you will know when you need to find out the problem. Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

April 4, 2003
My pain is right at the bottom of my breast plate. I've had it for about a month. Sometimes it goes away and sometimes it's the most painful "burn" type of a pain. It also hurts when I touch that area as well. Thought it was a pulled muscle back aways from shoveling alot of snow but now I don't know cuz I still get it from time to time and can't figure out why. Was just wondering if it might be gall stones. Guess I'll have to give the doctor another call.
   — Peggy D.

April 4, 2003
I hd gallstones when I was 15 yrs. old. They are sharp pains on thr right side above the waistline. They can be described as "attacks", that come and go. The pain can be very sharp and stabbing like, when the pains came I was doubled over in pain. They do go away but you should get an ultrasound to check it out because if it bursts it causes so many more problems. Don't ignore it!
   — Shannon D.

April 4, 2003
This was my experience.....imagine the most horrific pain you've ever felt in your life....that was what it felt like for me. It began in the right upper quadrant of my abdomen and often radiated to my back (these are the "classic" symptoms, according to my surgeon). I would have the pain for hours at a time, doubled over in pain as the other poster said, and the pain would finally subside in 3-8 hours. In the end, before I had my gall bladder removed, my attacks would be so severe I would have to go to the emergency room (keep in mind that I have VERY high tolerance for pain). Attacks, for me, usually happened after a fatty or fresh vegetable-laden meal meal too...hope this helps!
   — Teresa W.

April 4, 2003
Mine got to bad I was throwing up bile, I had the colicky type-and it does feel like you're having a heart attack. I had my first attack when I was 6 months pregnant with my first child, scared my husband to death...anything spicey would trigger an attack-and I would often wind up in a fetal postition, not an easy feat when that pregnant. I had mine removed when my daughter was 4 months old...wishing you all the best!
   — doit 2.

April 4, 2003
I too had pain on the right hand side that came and went it was so bad though that even lieing on that side during one of the attacks was extremely painful (spicy or fried foods killed me).. I was admitted in the hospital and after a ultra-sound I found out that I had 18 gall stones and my gal bladder ready to come out! I had 4 small incisions that are no bigger a finger nail length (one in my belly button!) no more pain!! good luck!
   — rinkadinktx

April 4, 2003
Peggy, When I had Gallstones, It sort of felt like my bra was on too too tight, I always had a tight feeling in my chest, where the bra line went, from the front of the abdomen to the right side of the tummy, it was a weird pain, sort of felt like when you used to be a kid, when you laughed to hard or ran to hard that weird feeling we always got on the side... that's how mine felt......... Hope the info helps, Had my gall Bladder removed in Jan this year. Post op 10 months down 127 pounds.
   — tannedtigress

April 4, 2003
Peggy When i had gallstones i did not even know it i went in for female problems they did a ultrasound and found them i had been getting sick to my stomach allot when i ate something greesy and dr said that was 1 of the systems of GS so they took out my gallbladder but i still get sick to my stomach when i eat greesy foods but i never had no pain with my GS
   — wildbrat

April 4, 2003
When I had my worst gall bladder attack it felt like my insides were on fire. That was the only way I could describe the feeling to the doctor's. I was also voniting bile and my right side was very tender.
   — Nancy S.

April 6, 2003
My answer is that it felt like someone was stabbing me with a knife from my back to the front. The only way that I felt better was by making myself throw up. Then I would lay on the bathroom floor with my knees to my chest. I had them for two years before I went to the ER. I always thought it was a ulser from my ex-husband. Food never once was a factor in the pain for me. I am in LOVE with the doctor who took out my gall blader.
   — Cameron Van Winkle

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