Strapy Sandals = Chinese Torture Shoes

   — preop_wendyd (posted on April 1, 2003)

April 1, 2003
I would not buy any new shoes pre-op! I have gone from a size 11 wide to a size 9 1/2 med. I had to give all of my shoes away, and I had literally hundreds of pairs of shoes!! My husband calls me the "EMELDA MARCOS" of San Diego!!!! My feet used to swell up real bad and ache in the summer, but I have noticed that I am much more comfortable now, almost 2 years post-op. I can wear strappy sandals and they do not hurt my feet!!! So look forward to that. Also, now I can but cheaper shoes!! I don't have to go to special stores to get my extra wide size!! Now I can buy a pair of shoes to match each and every NEW outfit I buy!!!

April 1, 2003
I'm 6mo post-op lost 106# and my feet are just a half size smaller, they are not as wide now so the fat does'nt hang off the sides but I don't feel much of a differene in my shoes. I went from size 10 (because I have flinstone feet, wide lol)to 9 1/2. Good luck~
   — Sandy M.

April 1, 2003
All of my shoes are too big for me just 2 1/2 months out. They are narrower and I can wear a smaller size now too. I can't wait to see what they are when I lose it all.
   — Carol S.

April 1, 2003
This is off subject of the sandals a bit, but the trouble I have now, even 3 weeks out of surgery (43 pounds lost so far) is the fact that a lot has disapeared from my rear end. I never had a big rear end anyway, most men get big in the stomach area, but I'll tell you, my butt is so boney now, it hurts to sit more than a hour or so. My pants in the rear are very very loose now so I know I have lost at least 2 inches in that area. My tummy isn't going down as quickly and that's normal. My legs are getting slimmer but so are my arms. Actually, everything is getting smaller, but my butt really notices it the most!
   — xxxxx X.

April 1, 2003
I'm cracking up because me and my girlfriends have this saying which is: Divahood is job! I've always loved high-heeled strappy sandals in the summer, and I can remember even when I was 60 pounds lighter (and in great shape) being in the worst pain from wearing some of those things, but girl, I sure looked good! lol But in answer to your question, as the weight goes, surely some of the pressure will lessen (as I became bigger, I definitely had to rethink my shoes choices). But with strappy sandle styles (especially the really high-heeled ones), I don't care how small you are or how much weight you lose; they're just made to torture, and you have to decide if divahood is worth the pain! :-)
   — Leni M.

April 1, 2003
I am ALWAYS encouraging my wife Jen to wear high heels, tight sexy dresses, long nails and all that other wonderful stuff. Any ideas of how to infect her to really WANT to wear these things?:):):)
   — bob-haller

April 1, 2003
Hey Bob, my husband's idea of the perfect ensemble is "heels". That's all. Shoot, he doesn't even notice if I'm wearing earrings! However, to answer your question, if you're young and nothing else is going on, yes. I have other things going on with my feet (long pre-op) and I would SO love to wear heels with tiny little straps. Oh any kind of heels that make him DROOL. But I just can't do it, unless blue toes are as appealing as the way legs look. I could be wrong about that, though. (I have Raynaud's, at least 20 yrs)
   — vitalady

April 1, 2003
Jen is down over 100 pounds, she used to say I am too fat for heels, but still doesnt want to wear them:(. I suggested she wear heels to help loose weight:) Seriously there was a study walking in heels burns more calories than flat shoes:):) I am 46 years old and remember when heels were required for work and very common. I miss the old days. Growing up girls in school were sent HOME if they came to school in pants. Sad what the world has come too!!!! Just JOKING somewhat!
   — bob-haller

April 1, 2003
As a girl who would never leave the house without 3" heels on (even pre-op), I can tell you it does NOT get better. But beauty is pain, dahling. :)
   — Tamara K.

April 1, 2003
Bob, you are just like my husband. Now that I've lost 220 lbs, he's even more into heels and short skirts and stuff like that. I thought he'd be mad about all the money I'm spending on new clothes. But I've got him figured out....its doesn't matter how much I spend, as long as I bring home something sexy too.
   — Monica H.

April 1, 2003
I find that it is so much easier to wear sexy shoes. I used to rate shoes by whether I could get them on without bending over and how comfortable they were. Now I wear all kinds of heels and strappy shoes. They aren't incredibly comfortable but they are bearable whereas I wouldn't even have considered it 120 pounds ago.
   — cindy Q.

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