Have many of you who have had excess skin removed had your insurance cover it?
If not, about how much does it costs? I know I am going to need it big time! — Sharon B. (posted on March 31, 2003)
March 31, 2003
My abdominoplasty was denied by insurance twice. I live in Nebraska and
paid $5500 out of pocket.
— Karla K.
March 31, 2003
There is a plastic surgery section to go to at this web site - go to Find a
Doc above and then to plastic surgery and you will get the comments of all
those who have had plastic surgery. Also, over on, go
to morbid obesity and support groups and there is a support group just for
plastic surgery. And, yahoo also has an OSSG support group but I don't
know the address of it. All of these should help your research.
— Cindy R.
March 31, 2003
Both my primary (Acordia) and secondary (CIGNA PPO) insurance providers
paid for my panniculectomy and brachioplasty (armlift). The surgeon's fee
for the panniculectomy was $3000 and $3500 for the brachioplasty.
— Diana T.
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