Does anyone else only lose 1-2 weeks out of the month?

I only seem to lose 1-2 weeks out of the month. I have no idea why this is. It's very frustrating. My weight loss averages about 8lbs per month at this point and I'm 6 mo. out on 3/17. I want to continue to do well and continue to lose. I'm doing pretty well with my food, I think. I know I need to drink more. Please advise if you've experienced this and did you continue to lose if you're further out. I'm so scared of failing myself. All those bad "diet demons" come back to haunt me sometimes. Thanks for your help. Oh yeah, to date, my loss is 100lbs at 6 mo. Good I know, but frustrating when the scale only moves half the month or less. Thanks again. Robin    — Robin V. (posted on March 30, 2003)

March 30, 2003
Robin, 100 lbs in 6 months is AMAZING. That is excatly what I lost at my 6 months....That was 4-6 months ahead of what surgeon said I would lose (10-12 months to lose 100-120 pounds). It does slow down and even stop for months a time while your body is adjusting....100 pounds in 6 months is amazing, but it is also really fast !!! Your body needs time to adjust. I am now 10 1/2 months and down 135 pounds. In the last 4 1/2 pounds I have only lost 35 pounds, on average 7 pounds a month. However, I have not lost 1 ounce in 8 weeks. It is a little discourging, but I am still ahead of schedule !! Hang in there and congratulations on the 100 pounds.
   — Sharon H.

March 30, 2003
Robin, I think this is normal. I am 5 1/2 months post op. and am down 115 pounds. For the past month, I have been averaging 1-2 pounds per week. Although I was discouraged, I asked my doctor, and he told me that this is normal. He told me that it would take around 18 months to lose all of my weight. I think we just need to be patient. Actually a pound or two a week is much healthier for us. Best of luck.
   — GPoynor

March 30, 2003
Yup. That's me. Before you read on, let me tell you that I'm at goal down to 156 from 324 and almost 2 years out. At about month 4 I realized, "hey, I only lose during or around my period". I found out by accident because I felt real bloated one day and hadn't been weighing regularly and thought I'd see how much water weight I'd gained. I actually had lost a couple pounds and by the end of the cycle week had lost about 6 more. This continued for I don't know how long. At least a year I'd guess. So don't worry. We all lose at different rates. As long as you're following your program you'll be fine. By the way, I didn't lose my first 100 til month 7. God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

March 30, 2003
Me too! Even so, I had fantastic weight loss at the beginning - 120 in 4 1/2 months. These last 3 1/2 months (30 lb) have been unbelievably slow and frustrating!
   — jen41766

March 30, 2003
Me too! I have been thinking that I am the only one in the world that has this messed up body that only loses 2 weeks out of the month. I am almost 8 weeks out and still have lost "only" 28 lbs.Don't get me wrong I am so happy about the 28 lbs. But I know that my 2 weeks are coming up soon so I hope to lose some more. I have been feeling like I am the "one" that this is not going to work on and then I read these answers and feel so much better today!!! Thank you all
   — Haziefrog

March 30, 2003
Hey Hazel, don't you dare say you have a messed up body. We're all different. (see my post below)...I was envious of a few WLS people who just seemed to be losing so much faster than I did. I tried not to obsess about it but how can you not compare yourself to others? the same person I was envious of has not reached her goal weight and is not as toned as I. Sometimes different just may be better... God bless!
   — Kimberly L.

March 30, 2003
Thank you Kimberly! I just read your entire profile and it gives me so much hope!! Hazel
   — Haziefrog

March 31, 2003
Robin, I thought I was something of a freak. I will lose the week before my period and the week of my period and the scale doesn't budge the other two weeks! Not a half ounce! It drives me nuts. I had surgery on 9-13-02 and have lost 90 pounds, but it still drives me crazy not to see the scale budge those two weeks! Thanks for making me feel less like a freak! :o)
   — wiggie34

April 1, 2003
That is ME to a T. However I prefer to focus on what I HAVE accomplished. Focus on the over all picture. 100# at 6 months, my god that is so awesome.
   — **willow**

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