3.5 Weeks Out..How long will this pain last?
HI, I am 3/12 weeks post-op OPEN RNY and have been having pain just to the left of my belly button for over a week know. My surgeon told me it is the staples from where he cut my muscle. I can go "binderless" for a couple hours or so, but then the pain hurts more & more to the point where walking hurts, unless I put my binder back on or hold my stomach in that area. It didn't start hurting until about a week & 1/2 ago, although I was wearing my binder still, so maybe I didn't notice it. Did anyone else have this problem, if so, how long does it last? I don't want to have to wear a binder forever!! — jarrett318 (posted on March 29, 2003)
March 29, 2003
I had a simular problem in that I was trying to push to hard to free myself
from the binder. And consequently kept tearing stomach muscles. It was
around 3.5 weeks or so until I was free from it. Some advise; your body
will let you know when it's time.
— Bill P.
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