Pre Op- Told to Lose, Scale Not Moving, Now What?

My last visit with the surgeon was 4 weeks ago, at that time he told me I need to begin losing weight. He booked another appt for me for April 7 and my impression was he expected the scale to be moving in a down ward motion. I just stepped on the scale, it hasn't budged. I work out at least 3 times per week, drink water like a mad woman and am following Atkins. What more can I do? I have not been approved from insurance yet, though it has been submitted. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you.    — Elizabeth .. (posted on March 26, 2003)

March 26, 2003
I am also pre-op and I am working on losing my 10-15 pre surgery loss. It is very stressful!!! I oringinally gave myself 3 weeks to lose it. I thought no problem. I lost 6 lbs in my first week, and then gaine 3 of it back! When I had my "weigh in" at the surgeon's office I was soo upset. My surgeon said to take my time, get the weight off then he'll schedule my surgery. I'm still working on it, but now it's been 6 weeks. My mind is messing with me!! Everyday is a new day and I'm still working on it. It sounds as if you are doing all the right things, but I would sugest excersing 4-6 times a week. 3 days a week is for maintance. And I promise to take my own advice on getting a work out 4-6 days a week! Good luck and keep up the good work! Aims
   — chickiewickie

March 26, 2003
Hello Elizabeth. I know that a lot of people don't recommend Atkins, but I'll tell you what, it always works fast and I lost 14 lbs in a week on it everytime I tried!! If you can't handle it long-term, it works for the short term, go to for the rules of induction! Hope this helps! Good Luck!
   — vehrs73

March 26, 2003
I know someone who was required to lose 10$ (38#) pre-op. She had 5 months to do it. She lost 69 of them, or so. Then breeezed right thru surgery, and the pounds continue to jump off her! I can give you her email pvtly, if you'd like.
   — vitalady

March 26, 2003
hi this has happen to me also you need to concentrate on protein and vegtables and only 5 starches a day and not close together and the water and the exercising and that will move the scale good luck

March 27, 2003
Hi, Elizabeth! Are you following Atkins at the induction level? I tried it last year (I'm still pre-op), and lost well on the induction level, but when I started to add a few more carbs, the weight loss really slowed, I got disgusted, and then gave up. I've talked to other Atkins dieters who stayed on the induction level the whole time they were losing weight, and the losses were impressive. I wish there was some info on your profile. You didn't say in your question how much your doc wants you to lose. I guess I can understand them wanting someone who is very MO to lose a few pounds, as this would help in performing and recovering from surgery. But I'm always surprised at the number of near-lightweights on here who comment about their docs wanting them to lose. I always think, if I could lose weight by dieting, I wouldn't need them!! Anyway, good luck to you, and if he won't do the surgery because you haven't lost, maybe you need to find a new surgeon. Just my opinion.
   — Carlita

March 27, 2003
I would suggest you keep a strict diary of your intake. If you haven't lost weight, show your doctor what it is that you have been consuming, and hopefully he can figure out what it is you need to do to lose. Sometimes we aren't getting enough of something, sometimes we are getting too much. Good luck!
   — wiggie34

March 27, 2003
Hi, I am Pre-op. I had my first visit with my doctor 03-13-03. Today is 03-27-03 and I have lost 18 pounds on the diet he put me on. And I am THE WORLDS WORST at diets. The diet is pretty simple and you get to choose a variety of foods while going ahead and learning how to count cal.Breakfast is a slim fast shake or meal bar. Lunch is any healthy choice,lean cuisine,weight watchers or Dinty Moore dinner under 300 cal. and the same for Dinner. You can snack on pickles,tomatoes,& steamed veggies/raw veggies. Low cal.drinks and water with a multi vitamin with vitamin c. The goal is to stay under 800 cal. a day. Write it down and KEEP TRACK. It really works fast.
   — Cynthia P.

March 28, 2003
Hi Elizabeth. I am just two weeks post-op and doing well. I went through a similar experience with my surgeon and the requirement to lose weight prior to surgery. I beleive, for the most part, the weight requirement is just to prove that you have committed yourself to this. I wasn't required to lose any specific amount of weight...but just to show a "steady" weight loss. My advice would be to eat low calorie/low fat. You can eat a lot of rice, beans and vegetables and still lose weight. Try to weigh-in twice a month and just continue with the water and exercise...and you will have continual weight loss! Try to keep yourself motivated! I know it's hard...just keep focused on the rewards down the line. God Bless.
   — Renea U.

March 28, 2003
Hi Elizabeth. I am just two weeks post-op and doing well. I went through a similar experience with my surgeon and the requirement to lose weight prior to surgery. I beleive, for the most part, the weight requirement is just to prove that you have committed yourself to this. I wasn't required to lose any specific amount of weight...but just to show a "steady" weight loss. My advice would be to eat low calorie/low fat. You can eat a lot of rice, beans and vegetables and still lose weight. Try to weigh-in twice a month and just continue with the water and exercise...and you will have continual weight loss! Try to keep yourself motivated! I know it's hard...just keep focused on the rewards down the line. God Bless.
   — Renea U.

March 28, 2003
Hi Elizabeth. I am just two weeks post-op and doing well. I went through a similar experience with my surgeon and the requirement to lose weight prior to surgery. I beleive, for the most part, the weight requirement is just to prove that you have committed yourself to this. I wasn't required to lose any specific amount of weight...but just to show a "steady" weight loss. My advice would be to eat low calorie/low fat. You can eat a lot of rice, beans and vegetables and still lose weight. Try to weigh-in twice a month and just continue with the water and exercise...and you will have continual weight loss! Try to keep yourself motivated! I know it's hard...just keep focused on the rewards down the line. God Bless.
   — Renea U.

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