Does anyone from Mid Michigan have this insurance? Anyone been denied?
I am wondering if anyone out there has BCBS PPO Community Blue and is from Mid Michigan---Is there anyone who has been denied coverage with this insurance? I am all paranoid now that I won't be approved. I called BTC two weeks ago and they said my file was in the review process. Today I received a bill from my PCP's office that my last visit wasn't covered because it is not a benefit---the last visit was to get the paperwork and a letter for WLS approval for my consultation at BTC. I have NEVER been denied coverage for an office visit in 12 years! Am I overreacting? — Laura S. (posted on March 24, 2003)
March 24, 2003
I have the same insurance and was told that the surgery is a covered beneit
but the office visit for weight loss is not covered. My pcp usually used a
different diagnosis code when I would go in. Of course it was usually
multiple things I went for and we just slipped in the weight problem. Good
— Sandy L.
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