6 Months Post Op, Great Difficutly w/Bowel Movements. Advice Needed.

Since surgery I have not gone to the Bathroom reguarly(#2) I went a whole month with out going, I took 3 ex-lax, the tea, upped the fiber, did Milk of Magnesia. NOTHING worked, My doctor did a rectal exam and he said he could feel it. He gave me a drink, I gagged it down and it just gave me gas. I gave myself an enema and it took 45 minutes and hurt real bad but I finnaly passed a small stool. I am nauseous and cant really eat. For breakfast I had .5 oz of cheese I can still feel it 3 hours later and no desire to eat.I feel full still and I feel like it is in the back of my throat. I am dizzy whenever I stand up and have pain in the lower abdomen. and overall not feeling well. I called my surgeon and they just keeping giving more suggestions about things to do for the constipation, My PCP doesnt have a clue what to do, keeps sending me back to the surgeon, can anyone relate and guide me in the right direction? Thank you Nicole. I am 6 months out, had Lap RNY, I have my gall bladder and have lost 105 pounds    — nicole79 (posted on March 24, 2003)

March 24, 2003
Good grief, woman - sounds like your bowel is totally asleep! Do you ever eat any fruit or veg fiber? I'd try a very long, slow, mild coffee enema, a couple of days of liquids only (lots of protein drinks!), then a diet that includes fiber everyday. Either a fiber drink first thing in the morning (before any food or supplements, then wait 30 min or so before taking anyhting else), or a whole grain cereal, like steel cut oats with flax seed for breakfast, or something. And have you tried Dieter's Tea? alsocalled China Slim Tea, Smooth Move Tea, contains senna . . .
   — RWH G.

March 24, 2003
I went thru the same problem. I was eating only protein. Meat and cheese. That is also where the problem lies. What I start to do was to eat leafy veggies. Like I would go to Mc Donalds and get there grilled chicken cesar salad. Once I added some leafy veggies and little bit of starch's then everything start working again. Hope this helps.
   — Richard M.

March 24, 2003
Sounds like you are definately having some problems! I have had problems with my bowels as well. I can usually go, but am constipated and it always hurts my lower abdomen and I also get nauseaus. I ended up going to a gastroenterologist about this. He wants me to take Citracel or Benefiber. And also thinks I could be lactose intolerant, which can cause some of the BM problems as well as pain. I would suggest making an appointment with a gastro. to check it out, you never know what it could be. Maybe it is the same problem as me. Goodluck to you, I hope you feel better!
   — Lezlie Y.

March 24, 2003
I know that cheese is good protein, but if you are having problems with your bowels I would avoid cheese. It can cause constipation. Drink a lot of water to help soften the stool. You could also try drinking prune juice (I'd rather drink mineral oil or there's another thing you can drink--it comes in a green bottle--ask a pharmacist. But if I were you I'd add bran and other fiber to my diet and steer clear of milk products for a little while.
   — jan M.

March 24, 2003
If you haven't had a bowel movement in a month, I would think your doctor would want to go in and clean it out for you. You've got to be terribly impacted. All of the suggestions everyone made are great for normal constipation, but a whole month! ... you need medical attention!
   — Michele C.

March 24, 2003
I had problems in that general area, but my surgeon and PCP couldn't do much to help. I was referred to a Colo-Rectal Surgeon. They will be able to help, but you need to NOW! A month is way too long!
   — salymsmommy

March 24, 2003
1)Lay off of the cheese for a while, 2)Up the green leafy veggies, 3)Try to periodically increase the fat intake in your diet, it helps me tremendously to occasionally eat something really greasy and usually works within an hour or so. Taco Bell is great (not the beans). 4)Fleet Enema, 5)Call your doctor and don't take no for an answer! I've gone for several weeks at a time without going and it is one of the most miserable feelings there is! But, as with all things, this too shall pass. Okay, that was a bad joke.
   — cjabates

March 24, 2003
Things were sluggish for me and were so hard they would plug the toilet. I intentionally eat more fat and that helped imensely. Got the idea since greasy onion rings oince cleaned me out fast...
   — bob-haller

March 25, 2003
I have been seeing a fitness and nutritionist as my weight loss has been so slow. He has re-introduced more veggies and fruits again and I am trying not to worry too much about the protein. I as still getting enough but the ratio of carbs/fats/protein is sure different than what it was. Anyway, if I drink my water and eat the fruits and veggies, I am having a bm everyday but sometimes every other. That is really different from before when it was every 4 days and very constipated. I would eat more veggies and fruits and see if that will help you.
   — Rita B.

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