OK, here's a zinger...I've joined a health club and want to go swimming. However,

they put in mucho chlorine into the pool daily and LOL I just had my hair colored. I'm wondering if I try to do laps if I will end up coloring the pool with my fabulously new red dye OR will the chemicals turn my hair into a punky color?    — E M. (posted on March 22, 2003)

March 22, 2003
That chlorine is going to FRY your hair! I know they're ugly and uncomfortable, but I recommend getting a swim cap. Condition the heck out of your hair beforehand, and use the cap. Your hair will thank you for it!
   — Angie M.

March 22, 2003
When I was swimming regularly, I used a product from Nexxus that actually removed the chlorine after each swim. My hair really didn't suffer, even my hairdresser was surprised - my hair at the time was colored and permed! I wish we had a gym with an indoor pool here, I love to swim. Enjoy - Jean
   — Jean K.

March 22, 2003
I read that it helps if you get your hair wet BEFORE you go in the pool. Then it does not absorb the pool water..Don't know if it really helps or not, but it couldn't hurt. Also, I buy a bottle of shampoo where I get my hair colored and have her put some color in the shampoo, this seems to help as well. Good luck!
   — Bethy413

March 22, 2003
I would try wetting your hair, as suggested, then slathering with a good leave in conditioner before using the swim cap....I used to do this just to keep my long hair from getting so dry. I was a bit worried about the conditioner getting in the water, but as long as it's water based, and not oil based it should be fine. Good luck
   — Kelly B.

March 22, 2003
being a bottle blonde i can tell you first hand that the pool water will play nasty games with your color! my highlights have a hint of green form the pool. i can only imagine what would happen to a red head!! the products do not really help once the damage is done...the colorist told me to condition before swim....
   — nan K.

March 22, 2003
i've been doing hair a long time and reds are the hardest color to keep from fading. use a leave in conditioner and a swimming cap. with coloring your hair red even the shampoos to remove the chemicals can fade your haircolor. good luck and happy lappin'!
   — franbvan

March 27, 2003
as a hairdresser, I've found that damping down the hair, and mixing half spf 40 and half olive oil and then lightly misting on the hair and working thru works. I've been red for about 5 years now, and it works. You just need to get a claifier like nexxus's aloe rid and mix it half and half with a light moisturising shampoo. I'ts also good for bottle blonds, and especialy if you tan or go to the pool outside or beach. The olive oil keeps the cuticle slicked down, and the spf 40 stops the sun from pulling out color. In the case of chlorine, It puts a protective barrier on the hair to stop it from bleaching out, or causing pool hair (that lovely neon green marker color)
   — mellyhudel

June 14, 2003
HI, I have had blonde hair as a kid and my hair always turned green from the pool, but I would use lemon juice in my hair and it would take the green right out!
   — Sheri C.

June 14, 2003
OK this may be the stupidest answer, but why not BUY A BATHING CAP?? They sell them at Walmart for like $1.97, then you dont need toworry about your hair :)\
   — ~~Stacie~~

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