Can approve you and have a maximum payout of $500?

My insurance co (Sagamore plus) approved me very easily, and then said "oh, by the way" we cover anything obesity related up to $500    — Annie G. (posted on March 21, 2003)

March 20, 2003
You ought to know these ins. companies can do anything they wish. It probably is in writing somewhere in your policy. I feel for you but there is not much you can do about it.
   — Delores S.

March 20, 2003
If you don't already have a copy of your policy, get one and read it carefully. You might be able to fight them on wording if they use "obesity" as opposed to "morbid" or "severe" obesity. Does it specifically mention surgical remedy of obesity/morbid obesity? If they don't specifically exclude the surgery for obesity that may help. However, if it states that they only cover up to $500 for any/all obesity treatments including surgery, that will be a problem. Regardless though, don't give up and be sure to see it for yourself in your policy exactly what they cover, don't take their word for it. Good Luck.
   — Carolyn M.

March 21, 2003
unfortunatly they can but in most cases it does go back to the employer to make the final call. If your plan says that they will only cover $500 then that is all they will cover.
   — Lesa Y.

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