Is it ok to just drink your protein, water & not eat?

Is it OK if I don't eat as much as I am supposed to. I drink all my protein that I am supposed to get in & drink water all day long, but I just can't eat 6 times a day. Sometimes I only eat something once or twice a day. I'm supposed to be on pureed foods now, but I'm just never hungry. Also, I haven't lost any weight in 5 days. I am 2 1/2 weeks post op.    — jarrett318 (posted on March 20, 2003)

March 20, 2003
<font color="007000" face="tahoma">Hi Mary <br> I am still pre-op, but according to my nutritionist, "we" should only eat 3 meals a day. NO snacking. Do you have a nutritionist you can talk to this about?</font>
   — preop_wendyd

March 20, 2003
Hi Mary, The best answer I can offer is that you need to follow your doctors advice. And that is where I would start. I can share with you what I have learned in the past from various weight loss programs. When we don't eat properly, our bodies go into this mode where it thinks that we are having a starvation crisis. So it shuts down our metabolism and then the weight loss stops. When you add food to the diet, our body then begins to store what we eat as fat, believing that it will have another "starvation" period. Therefore, we don't lose. That is why most of us, lose very little on traditional diets. Because we go on fad diets and starve ourselves and our bodies slow down as a result of it and we become obese. Let me give you another analogy: Did you ever watch a thin person eat? It was brought to my attention when I did Weigh Down Workshop with Gwen Shamblin. A thin person, one who doesn't have a weight problem, will have a sandwich at a meal, they will cut that sandwich in half, save half for another time, and take sips of water between bites. They are full on a half a sandwich. In essence they eat like a bird, because they eat 5 to 6 times a day. I know, my daughter is a thin person. they eat say a yogurt at one meal, then a piece of fruit for snack, then maybe a half a sandwich, then another piece of fruit for snack, and then maybe a salad for dinner and end up with something else small after dinner. They literaly eat like a bird. Plus they drink tons of water. Now you'd think that if we ate that much during the day we'd be even larger. But that is not the case. It jumps start our metabolism which aids in weight loss, but along with eating like this we have to choose the right stuff to eat as well. Fresh fruit and vegetables, yogurts. Of course being post-op you have to know what you can tolerate and what your doctor wants you to eat. So not eating is really only slowing your weight loss and hurting you in the long run. If you're on pureed foods try baby food. It really is good nutrition. I don't mean to go off on my soap box here, but alot of people say to me that they can't understand how I got to be 300+ pounds, especially my hubby, they see that I hardly eat anything, sometimes not even once a day. So when we go out to eat and I eat a large meal then my body turns it all to fat and stores it because it thinks I'm going to starve again. This is how I got this way. It's difficult when you've done it for so long to get back into eating properly. Good luck and God speed! And please get back to your doctor or nutritionist.
   — Donna R.

March 20, 2003
Your body goes into starvation mode if you dont' eat, that is why you haven't lost any weight. It sounds silly, but the more you eat, the more you will lose to start off with. At least that is what happened to me. I know it is hard, but it will get easier with time! Good Luck
   — Donna J.

March 20, 2003
I am on a 5-6 meals a day regiment as well and some days find it very hard but small frequent meals are very good for insulin and blood sugar. Try to eat every few hours, even if it is a little bit of protein. It sustains you and keeps your weight loss going.
   — susanje

March 20, 2003
been there, done that..i needed to be scoped because i was not tolerating intake well..... post scope i am taking in a bit more and i eat 3 times a day with a fruit snack in the late morning and in the evening i take a few crackers with medication...anyway the weight loss picked up speed post scope due to increased protein intake....good luck
   — nan K.

March 20, 2003
I wondered the same thing a few weeks after surgery. I felt it was just easier to drink my protein and water and not bother eating, it seemed like a pain plus I wasn't the least bit hungry. I could really care less if I ever ate again. I did find out that is not good for your body, plus it thinks you are starving it and you stop losing because it's holding on to what you got for fear of no more to come. So, my doc told me to make it a point to eat 3 times a day so I tried that. I still was not able to eat any more than two bites in a sitting so they upped me to 5-6 meals a day to get my protein in. And a meal doesn't have to be a full fledged meal, some low fat cheese or yogurt is what I do for several of mine and my weight is steadily coming off now. You really do have to eat, it may seem hard now but it does get easier. I know, I've had some major eating issues early on because of my sinus drainage, which is a whole other fun game.
   — Dee ,.

March 21, 2003
I see nothing wrong with that for a short period. I think onc eyou give yourself permission to relax a bit about food, things will fall into place for you. Many do take a cluster of days of qliuids(& vites) for a prayer fast OR to reset their dump-o-meter OR stabilize a mad pouch--any number of reasons. I also did the 6 one-oz meals, and found it burdensome. I ultimately settled with 4 meals, 6 (or more) protein drinks. But it took a little while to get the rhythm working for me. And I did revert back to "easy" days while I was getting organized. You an add back in a meal, or two, or three as you feel more comfortable again.
   — vitalady

March 21, 2003
Mary, my surgeon's office actually told me I could do that for the first few months. She said that I can get my nutrition from protein drinks, water and vitamins and not even have to eat if I didn't want to. But after you get further post-op, food would be good. Plus, you are so early post-op, it's hard to get in alot of anything! And don't worry that you haven't lose weight in a few days, it is so very common to get on a plateau after the first few weeks. Our bodies are just adjusting to all the new changes. May I suggest weighing yourself only once a week? I am 9months post-op and still have urges to weigh everyday, but it just makes my life crazier b/c I worry! Goodluck to you
   — Lezlie Y.

March 21, 2003
My surgeon told me not to even worry about eating the first month as long as I took in 70 grams of protein through supplementation, 64 oz of water daily, and my vitamins.
   — LLinderman

March 21, 2003
Hasn't this very idea been suggested as a way to re-set your system in order to climb down off of a plateau? Sounds relatively safe to me, especially if it is for short periods of time. But - I am no doctor and what I might be willing to try might not be the best for you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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