Pre-op Diverticulitis

I was wondering if anyone who's had diverticulitis BEFORE WLS was still able to have their WLS?? Thanks soo much!!    — heelsandbikes (posted on March 20, 2003)

March 19, 2003
Absolutely NO PROBLEM! Divertelocis is in the lowerlarge waste intestine. WLS in the small upper intestine. Relax I have it and no troubles. Mine is severe I once bleed and lost 13 opints of blood. I nearly died from that...
   — bob-haller

March 20, 2003
Hi, I found out I had diverculitis after my colonoscopy, one of the pre surgery tests. I am scheduled for open RYN on April l4th. So no I do not think it makes any difference. Good Luck!!!!
   — Maureen M.

March 20, 2003
I believe you mean diverticulosis, not diverticulitis. The later is when you are having an attack. Diverticulosis is when you have the intestinal condition and can have an attack of diverticulitis if your lower gastro area becomes inflamed. Hopefully that makes sense to you. Anyways, I have diverticulosis and microscopic colitis and am scheduled for RNY on May 7th. So, yes you still can be considered for the surgery. But, your surgeon will probably want clearances from your PCP or gastro doctor.
   — ChristineB

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