Why do some LAP RNY patients feel that that surgery is better than Open Rny?

   — Steph P. (posted on March 18, 2003)

March 18, 2003
I am puzzled by this too. Why are 5 smaller scars better than one large one? Laprascopic surgery is risky because if something goes wrong, the doc has to make an open incision anyway, so why risk it? I've encountered many people who thought they were better off with LAP while I had Open. Still have no reasoning as to why.
   — AprilRebuilt

March 18, 2003
After researching both, I discovered that the main reasons people choose LAP over open is (1) you have a shorter healing time with the smaller incisions, and (2) you are less likely to develop an abdominal hernia.
   — Amy A.

March 18, 2003
There is only a slight risk of incisional infection with lap surgery and I can tell you that at 2 months post op my very tiny scars are fading quickly. There is a much larger risk of this type of infection with open as well as the risk of hernia. The healing time is a perk too. You also have no physical restrictions after lap. I think the most important thing in making the decision to go either way is the skill of your surgeon and what they offer. It is a totally personal decision and there is eternally going to be an argument over which is better. If my surgeon had only done open then I would have had open. I was concerned with his track record and skill and not so much with the scar thing. Hopefully my future tummy tuck will take care of it!
   — Carol S.

March 18, 2003
Lap costs insurance more money. The reason insurance likes LAP is that it ACTUALLY saves them money. Because hosital stays are shorter. I was two night LAP but now my surgeons patients are often going home in a day and a half. Shorter stays saves big bucks on hospital costs. LAP also reduces the incisional hernia risk to near zero. Now someone will be sure to post shorter table time as a advantage to open, along with BMI limits. But my wifes BMI was over 60, she was done LAP, in 1.5 hours/ Its really a matter of your surgeons skills.
   — bob-haller

March 18, 2003
I have had a couple of open surgeries and a few lap surgeries and prefer lap overwhelmingly. The scaring is less, the recovery rate is much quicker and I think the pain is less too.
   — Cindy R.

March 18, 2003
Infection risk is more with open because the incision is larger. Most patients recover faster since lap has less cutting and trauma to the body.
   — Sam J.

March 18, 2003
I do not feel one is better than the other, as they both have risks! Just lap is "easier".. not sure if it hurts less as I would have to had both to compare! But the recovery may be (is) shorter- I do know that (barring any complications). But I do believe all surgeries have different affects for each individual- and it comes down to pain tolerance etc. I am always afraid of pain, period. Regardless of my tolerance (which I have found is greater than I give myself credit for) I always opt for whatever may "avoid pain". I am sure there are Open patients who had the same kind of recovery as I did because they were not as such a wimp as myself! Any how- perhaps they emphasize one is better, because to them their recovery and scar healing was faster? While that is a nice perk, we all essentially had the *same* re-routing.
   — Karen R.

March 18, 2003
Because it is a PERSONAL CHOICE. And most of us as humans, are biased in thinking that our way is the right way- Just as most men drive a vehicle based on thier choice of make, ie FORD men or CHEVY men, etc... I do not think one is better than the other- I think that each has their own pros and cons!
   — ~~Stacie~~

March 18, 2003
Speaking as someone who has had both I can tell you there really wasn't all that much difference for me. I had my original surgery, May 2002, lap. I had to have it re-done in July 2002, and that surgery was done open. Yes, it took longer for the incision to heal, although not much, but I had little pain with either one. I didn't have a pain pump for either surgery and didn't take any pain meds for either. Believe me, if I had felt the need for them, I would have ahd them. I was able to be up and walking soon after both. It was a little longer for the open, but mostly because it was done late in the afternoon and my lap surgery was the first one in the morning. A lot of it depends on the surgeon. If you really like your surgeon and he/she is more experienced doing open, then go for open. If he/she is more experienced doing lap, then go for lap. The bottom line is that the end results are the same and isn't that the point?
   — garw

March 18, 2003
My doctor does open RNY's so that he can examine the liver and other organs when he opens his patients up.
   — Sandy P.

March 18, 2003
Well I had open appendix removal and years later LAP RNY. For ME lap was way less painful, I was up and about immediately after surgery.
   — bob-haller

March 18, 2003
Hi guys I am the original poster of this questions. The reason I asked the question. Is because I told a co-worker I was having Open RNY surgery (03/24/03)and she acted as if I told her I eat the four letter word that starts with S! She had LAP RNY and talked down so terribly about Open RNY. I told her I didn't want LAP but felt that she should support my decision. I was really surprised beacause everyone on this website has been so positive LAPS and OPENS alike! THank you!
   — Steph P.

March 18, 2003
Steph, just remember that it is the same surgery done inside you lap or open, all that's different is the way they get inside your body cavity. It's a personal choice, but my surgeon only does open, so I took it, although I would have chosen lap if I had the option, strictly for the less pain quotient. (I've had other lap surgeries). I have a 9 inch scar and a g-tube scar about the size of a dime, and while I'm not crazy about them, I didn't do this to look good in a I'm not too worried about the scars. Go with your doctor's advice and what you feel comfortable with. Hugs, Kim S. Open RNY Nov. 4/02 -96 lbs.
   — Kim S.

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