Two-week pre-op fast may put me at a bmi <35

I know that I am a good wls candidate since I meet the 35-40 bmi with co-morbidities requirement. My bmi is currently hovering a little above 35 and I was diagnosed with malignant hypertension (the most severe type) six years ago so no problem there. Here's the thing though; my doctor requires a two-week pre-op fast for all patients, and obviously this may put me below a 35 bmi. Is there anyone out there who may have thoughts on this or who's actually been in this situation?    — Leni M. (posted on March 16, 2003)

March 16, 2003
Hi there. I have a similar issue. My bmi is 40.2. I have no co-morbid conditions so if I get below 40 then I'm not a candidate for surgery. My surgeon requires me to lose 5-10 pounds before surgery which will put me well below 40 for my bmi. I asked the lady that handles the insurance paper work at my surgeons office about this loss having an effect on my coverage and she said that she submits for coverage based on my weight at the time of my consultation not based on what I weigh on my surgery date. I have united ppo (I don't know if it matters what insurance or doctor you have) I suggest asking the doctors office staff. I'm sure this is an issue they have had to deal with before. Good Luck and God Bless!
   — Kristen M.

March 16, 2003
I am doing a 6 week fast before my surgery on 4/22, and it is possible that i'll go below 40 bmi. The weight I was at the initial consult is the weight the insurance company goes by.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 16, 2003
I have a similair situation. My doctor put me on a low glycemic diet and what I have lost puts me at a BMI of 38.7. My insurance requires 40. They told me at the surgeons office that they use weight at the time of consult, but I have to get records from PCP and he weighted me and now at this date my BMI id 38.7. Do I am wondering if this will affect the insurance approval. The records from PCP go to insurance company also.
   — D. Bell

March 16, 2003
I'm sure you'll need to get pre-approved from your insurance company first before the surgery is planned, therefore, I'm speculating that they would go by your weight at the time of pre-approval, not surgery date.
   — jengrz

March 17, 2003
Hi, my doctor wants me to lose before I see him again on April 7. He didn't give me guidelines on how he wanted me to do that, I am interested in what you are all doing? Thank you, Elizabeth [email protected]
   — Elizabeth ..

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