I am 6 days post op and have major cabin fever

How did you entertain yourself or get yourself back into your normal routines? Any advice is greatly appreciated.    — PJ M. (posted on March 16, 2003)

March 15, 2003
Hey get out and get moving! See my profile. I had surgery monday morning, went home wednesday morning, and thursday walked up the street. Went to the bank and store. My wife drove till I was off the pain meds. By one week post op I walked 1.3 miles to my wifes work at shift change, and she road me home. You will feel better and heal faster if you do lots of walking. Decreases the chance of blood clots too. With the improving weather its great to get some exercise. Just take at easy. I returned to work part time out of boredom by day 10 or so. I am self empoloyeed and took it easy but truly was bored without work.<P> Now unless your surgeon ordered you to sit around fix the cabin fever, get back to living! Besides the exercise will help you loose faster. This can help you get to chart weight! See my profile although it needs updated its extremely detailed on my immediate post op activities...
   — bob-haller

March 15, 2003
Congrats on your surgery! I had books or magazines to keep me occupied especially related to WLS (think Carnie Wilson's book). People also came to visit me which helped. Make sure you are going out for your walks. I'm not a big TV watcher, but I like to crochet. Good luck to you.
   — Yolanda J.

March 15, 2003
Get out and get moving. Don't wait. Start now. Even if it's only for a few steps over a few minutes. Oh yes, start figuring out how you're going to pay for all those new clothes.
   — Chuck O.

March 15, 2003
I couldn't sit around either. I was at the mall a week post op. Just don't over do it. Make your outings short you will probably get tired easily.
   — Linda A.

March 15, 2003
Like the others said - get moving! I had some small jobs planned so I had something to do. (Can' stand daytime TV!). I had those done in about 3 days. Stuff like - clean out the kitchen junk drawer, wash and dry pillows, go through some papers, etc. I went to the library before surgery and had several books to read, but I only had a chance to read before bed! I had my husband and sons take laundry down to the laundry room for me, and I sorted and washed, folded and left it for them to pick up. Don't overdo it, but start by getting up at your regular time of day, do your normal routine - if you shower and get ready for work, get up and do your regular thing and get dressed; stay up and stay busy. I planned out my days food intake each morning. I am not a nap person, so I didn't nap. I only took a little pain medicine at bedtime for a few days (I had lap RNY). I started walking about a week after surgery. I also knew I had a trip to Florida coming up in a month after surgery with a high school marching band, so I needed to build my endurance, as well. (I am 47 years old, so no spring chicken!) Good luck! Now is the time to start working on good exercise and eating habits.
   — koogy

March 16, 2003
I am the original poster and just wanted to say thanks. Yesterday I went to church, both services. Today, I am going to do some organizing and cleaning and of course, walk on my treadmill. Best wishes to you all. ;-D
   — PJ M.

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