Can DSers still take anti-inflammatory medicines?

I need to keep taking these for my disk symptoms as Tylenol does not work. I have Darvocet from my neurologist, but it makes me way too sleepy. Thanks and have a great day! suzi    — sm S. (posted on March 15, 2003)

March 15, 2003
The answer is YES :-) we still can. I have taken it myself. One of the beautiful things of the DS is we need not worry about this. Remember though medication may not absorb the same so call your Dr to see if you should take a higher strenght dose.
   — Stephanie B.

March 15, 2003
My husband (also a DS patient) takes dolabid for his damaged rotator cuffs. He used to take darvocet for his neck arthritis, but found after the weight loss, he really didn't need. He had no problems with either med.
   — kateseidel

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