Has anyone else experienced an abnormal EKG and chest x-rays and still been clearned for surgery?

My EKG showed Ischemia. My x-ray showed a prominence in the right hilum. If you have had this or heard of it, please answer. I am scheduled for RNY in 5 days. Concerned they'll cancel on me.    — Dixie Chick (posted on March 15, 2003)

March 15, 2003
I'm still waiting for a answer to your questio - maybe we both should check the library.
   — Sally P.

March 15, 2003
Did a cardiologist do the test, and have you had a nuclear stress test? I looked up ishemia on it says that Quote- ischemia cardiomyopithy is- "A chronic disorder caused by CAD-(coronary artery disease) a disease in which hardening of the arteries(arteriosclorosis) on the surface of the heart." end quote, You should speak to a cardiologist and maybe see if further testing should be done. Be sure to walk walk walk after surgery, it is extreemly important. I'm not a doctor, but if it were me I'd get it further checked out, just be sure your sureon and anathesiologist are aware of this. Good luck on your journey, you'll do fine
   — wizz46

March 15, 2003
Yes- I went on Mar. 10 and recieved an abnormal EKG- Iwas shocked- Luckily I had an EKG done in the Fall of 2002. My Primay Care doctor faxed my previous EKG to the hospital and they faxed her one. She said they were the same. She said sometimes they will give an abnormal reading on women wth big breast. Just to be sure she let a cardiologist read it and he cleared me for surgery.
   — Julie C.

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