What do I do about my nerves??

I'm 20 days away from having surgery.( april 1st ) While I absolutely do not have any second thoughts about it, I'm ready, it seems like my nerves are a little frazzled. I'm very anxious. I think maybe it has more to do with waiting, than with the surgery itself. I get these stupid thoughts in my head like: what if something happens and the surgery gets cancelled. Is there anything anyone has done to calm the nerves while waiting for the day to get here?? Thanks :-)    — KellyJeanB (posted on March 12, 2003)

March 12, 2003
Let me answer your question with what i did 7-1/2 months ago before my surgery - I ate my way around town - ha. Seriously , that is how I handled stress (a little better now) - and I too knew that I wanted the surgery. The best honest advice I can give you is to remember why you want the surgery and just try to keep as busy as you can for the next couple of weeks. it's going to go by so fast. Good luck and I'll keep you in my prayers!!!
   — Sharon O.

March 12, 2003
I agree with the previous writer. Eating is probably the same thing I did to help cope. The stress level is high, I think that is pretty much par for the course. Try some deep breathing and Krispy Cremes. Your day will be here soon. Best wishes to you! - Jodi
   — JODI020770

March 12, 2003
My surgery is March 26th - yes I'm somewhat anxious, mainly of the unknown - pain and dealing with trying to find what to eat and making choices. I've decided to handle it with humor - I'm going to put a couple stickers on my abdomen for the Drs and nurses to see when I'm out. I've also have reassurance with my faith in God. Everyone has some nervousness - we would be abnormal otherwise to go to surgery knowing that this will be uncomfortable and a life changing event in our lives. Just remember why you wanted it - it will save your life in the long term. God bless you- sally, Harrison, Mi
   — Sally P.

March 12, 2003
Hi Kelly, I have my first appointment with Dr. Adaniel next week. My Mom worked for Dr Adhami (the gastro DR) and she found Dr Adaniel for me. I am really interested in the Lap Band but I am not sure if Dr Adaniel does that. I also have appointments with other Dr.'s in the area. I want to really do my homework. I am sorry that you are feeling so nervous, I already feel nervous and have not yet been to a Doctor. So, I can practice not being nervous by giving you some suggestions about what to do to calm yourself down. Here is my top 10 list: 10. Rent a Disney Movie (especially if you don't have kids because you have not yet developed a tolerance to this) 9. Go to Sunrise Mall and look at the small-size clothes stores - plan your attack! 8. Buy a cool pair of summer shoes that you wont have to wear until June 7. Plan out your walks and decide which house is most interesting one on your path 6. You might want to go to Butera's or Big Daddys (depending on your tast of course) 5. Surf the internet and look at sites that feature Spa's that offer all kinds of pampering (this is good to do anytime at all for anyone anywhere - especially since you scan't get to Tahiti or some exotic port) 4. Have one of the volunteers spruce up your personal page (not that there is anything wrong with the one you have) 3. Go to a craft store and get a project to work on - even if it comes out crappy (can I say that?) , you need those brain cells to figure out the instructions and keep concentrating on whatever it is you are making. even more fun, throw out the directions and figure it out for yourself! 2. Talk to someone else who has had the surgery or who has not (like me) someone in your shoes can be a good inspiration. 1. And my number one answer to my fellow Long Islander is Throw AWAY your snow shovel or snow blower and Kiss Winter Goodbye (you can do this on Friday after the impending storm). I hope that helps and if yever you need a friend, please feel free to e-mail me.
   — meliss0725

March 12, 2003
Hi Kelly: I've not had WLS yet, but 9 years ago I had major abdonimal surgery. For a month before the surgery, I did self-hypnosis, positive visualization and guided imagery. I used cassette tapes (check on the Internet) and all those things made a huge difference in calming me down. When I do have WLS, I shall do the same thing. I will be assisted in hypnosis by my psych therapist. Good luck!
   — Kasey

March 12, 2003
OMG..I am set for 4/16 for surgery. I have seen MANY posts from pre-ops who are feeling just as anxious as you and I are. I'm not sure it helps, but please know that what you are experiencing is 'normal' (as if anything I ever did would fall into that category). Believe me, if they had a support meeting every day I would go just to be around others like me. I did have a dream about this surgery (I've never dreamed about any of my other surgeries) that I had it and woke up the next day eating regular foods...just smaller portions. I was out & about like it was a drive-thru order to have WLS. Good luck and I'll be rooting for you!!!
   — Diane S.

March 13, 2003
Kelly Jean, I was in your shoes about six and a half months ago. I worried constantly. I had all sorts of fears. The only thing I could do to calm myself down about all the fears (postponement, death, complications, etc..) is to accept that whatever happened, was meant to be. If I obsessed(sp?) over everything I'd just drive myself and my family crazy. I guess the best advice I can give you is to focus your energies on the things that you have actual control over, and let the rest go. What will be will be. Best of luck to you!!! Christine
   — wiggie34

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