Anyone 5' 4 with a starting weight of 304......I had surgery July 24, 2002

and have only lost 72 pounds in the last 7 1/2 months...I have been at 232 forever and I have read all the stuff on breaking the plateau.. but it aint working for me... I just wanted to find a few souls who started around my same weight and hear if you went on to lose to goal weight? My goal weight is 150.. How long did it take you and did you reach 100 pound loss at the 1 year mark??? This is encouragement to me and I thank you for any and all posts.. :* )    — JoAnne G. (posted on March 12, 2003)

March 11, 2003
Hi, I am almost the same as you. I am 5'3" and started at 341. I had my open RNY May 9 2002 and so far have lost 135 lbs. I am stuck at 206 and have been for 2 months now. I want to get to 150 as well. A friend told me to increase my exercise and to eat more protein. I am trying that now. If you find anything that works PLEASE e mail me as I will you if I do ok? I wish you the best.
   — Gina D.

March 11, 2003
I am 5'4" also, started at 290. Had Lap Rny on 9/17/02 and to date have lost 97 lbs. I have hit plateaus, one lasted nearly 4.5 weeks. The weight loss was much quicker initially, but I'm still losing slowly but surely. If you've tried the plateau buster plans and honestly stuck to them and they haven't worked then maybe you need to see your surgeon and ask him/her what's going on. Best of luck to you, hope things work out. Robin
   — Robin V.

March 11, 2003
I am 5'4" and weighed 306 in June of 02 and 295 before my surgery on 8/9/02. I have lost a total of 126 pounds, I'm down to 185 currently. I think a lot of it has to do with the type of surgery you have. I had open RNY and that causes you to have greater weight loss faster than lap. With lap you have like a 60% chance of losing your excess weight with open RNY I had an 80% chance of losing all my excess weight. I think a lot has to do with the type of surgery and also your food. Since surgery 7 months ago I think I may have exercised a total of 3 days. I really don't do much. I regret it now because I don't feel well, but I'm still losing about 3 to 5 pounds a week. My longest plateau was for 2 weeks and that was it. Nothing to big. I'd ask your doctor. But, as everyone on here says we lose at our own pace. Good luck and keep your chin up no 2 people are the same.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 11, 2003
I had open RNY on April 25, 2002. I am 5'4 and started at 302, today i weigh 175-178,from size 24 to size 12. i think at 7 months out i had lost 100 pounds, but everyone gets frustrated, i'm only losing 2-3 pounds a month now, read my profile and you can see my weight loss history, hang in there it will happen but for some reason i cant seem to lose these last 25 pounds.
   — charrise R.

March 11, 2003
Hi JoAnne - I'm 5'4", started at 316 and had surgery August 28, 2001. I'm now 18 months out, weighing, tada!, 150lbs. I've lost a total of 166lbs. My goal was 170, so I've exceeded my expectations. By my 6 month anniversary, I had lost 100lbs, and I've been at hovering (give or take 3lbs) at 150 for about 4 months now, so it took about 14 months for me to reach this point. Good luck to you!
   — lily1968

March 11, 2003
One of the posters stated that open RNY has a better chance of losing excess weight then the lap RNY. This is not true. RNY is the same regardless of how it is achieved whether open or lap. Each person's metabolism is different and some will lose at different rates. The fact that one is losing at all is commendable and should not be discouraged. Protein, water, exercise and no grazing will help to keep the weight loss moving.
   — Sue A.

March 11, 2003
Hi JoAnne! I started at 297 I'm 5'4". I had open RNY on May 30th 2002 so I am about 9 1/2 months out. I've lost 135 pounds, and I am down from a size 22/24 to an 8/10 and occasionally a 6! I set a tentative goal at 145 pounds so I have about 17 to go to reach that weight. But I think the size you can wear and your measurements are really more important than your weight. Some say our bones weigh more and I tend to believe it - because I have weighed less - but I have never been smaller or worn this small of a size! So, whether it is our bones or some other explanation I realy don't know, but I think the important thing is just don't go by the scales alone. Go by how you feel, how your clothes are fitting, and so forth. I have hit a lot of plateaus and some have lasted longer than others. I know it is frustrating and hard to be patient, but just try to hang in there. Up your water, protein and exercise (even if it is just to go for a 30 min. walk). Also, I have found drinking decaf green tea boosts my metabolism (or it seems to, anyway, it can't hurt!). Make sure you are eating enough - sometimes when I eat a little more my weight will drop! Good luck!
   — Sheryl S.

March 12, 2003
Hi there. I had your stats almost exactly. I am 5 weeks post open RNY and I have lost 43 lbs so far. I want to second what the others have said.. it is SO individual to the person. I have always lost weight very easily. Keeping it off is where this surgery comes in. Good luck, you are doing great!!
   — SarahC

March 17, 2003
I weighted 314 the day I got home from the hospital and I am 5'4". I had my surgery 7/5/02 so we're very close in size/height/surgery date. I have lost 110 pounds as of this morning (currently sitting at 204). I had a month long plateau in mid-February to mid-March but began losing again a week ago. I think my weight lose is beginning to slow down a bit. I was averaging about 10 pounds per month most of the time. I now seem to be at about 1.5 - 2 pounds per week. I also seem to have more and more days inbetween losses. Used to lose something almost every other day. Now it's not unusual to go 4-5 days with no loss (or even up a lb. down a lb. up a lb. yoyo) but then I'll lose 2 lbs. one day, one lb. the next. Then back to the yoyo. I did change 2 things during my month long plateau. I increased my protein drinks and my liquid intake as I'm not much of a water drinker, rely on my protein drinks to get the liquid in (and almost never make the daily minimum). The biggest change for me was the decision to not have any kind of solid food after 8:00PM. I can have any liquid I want as long as I can drink it (and it's a "legal" liquid). That allows me to have a protein drink if I'm really hungry and if I'm not, a glass of SF tang or Crystal Lite usually takes care of me. I can't say it busted the plateau, but I do think it's made a difference in my weight loss this last month. I don't know if I'll make my goal weight or not, but I'm going to get as close as I can. I hope to get to 140 but realistically anything under 200 will make me a happy camper. I celebrate every pound no matter how long it takes to remove itself from my body. Discouragement is not in my vocabulary at this time.
   — jutymo

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