What are they looking for with the pre-op testing?
I have my date scheduled for April 23rd (yay!) and my pre-op testing on March 19th. What I want to know is what kinds of things would they find with the testing that would preclude me from having the surgery on my scheduled date? — Kimberly P. (posted on March 10, 2003)
March 10, 2003
They are looking for undetected problems. The problems If detected can be
addressed and monitored or fixed before WLS.
The <b><u>Pulminary function test</b></u> is to
test your lung capicity. They want to make sure that you have good lungs
before putting you under.
The <b><u>Gall bladder ultrasound</b></u> it to
look for abnormal gall bladder or stones. Knowing this going in, some
doctors will remove the gallbladder, other will not and will proactively
treat it postop.
The <b><u>upper GI</b></u> is to make sure that you
do not have damage to your stomache and esaugauphus (I can't spell that
one!!). They need to make sure that everything is healthy there. They
also check for hiatal hernias durin that test. This will tell the dr if
the stomach is in the right place in your body.
The <b><u>chest Xray</b></u> is to make sure
everything is in it's right place and there are no surprises.
The <b><u>Stress test</b></u> is to make sure your
heart is healthy and can withstand the stress of surgery and being put
The <b><u>Sleep Test</b></u> is to make sure you
do/don't have sleep apnes. This needs to be known going into surgery, as
it can be deadly if not treated.
The <b><u>EKG</b></u> is to make sure that you do
not have an abnormal heart rhythem. Again making sure that your heart is
The <b><u>nutritionist consultation</b></u> is to
make sure that you understand what you are in for post op and lifelong.
Everyone doesn't always read the printed material so a face to face to go
over everything will pretty much make you read it. Taht way there is no 'I
didn't know' or 'You didn't tell me' post op.
The <b><u>blood work</b></u> is to make sure
everything is fine there and you are not anemic or anything. They also
ckeck the amout of oxygen in your blood.
The <b><u>Psych Evaluation </b></u> is to make sure
that you are in the right frame of mind concerning this and the life long
commitment that is required of this surgery. They look for depression and
stuff like that.
All the tests are done for your overall well being. They are making sure
that you can withstand the stress of surgery and being put under. They are
making sure that you do not have any untreated problems. They are also
testing to make sure that there will be no surprises once they open you up.
— Pookie B.
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