DEPO PROVERA did anyone get there first shot before surgery?

   — Kimberly M. (posted on March 9, 2003)

March 9, 2003
I have not yet had the surgery and am scheduled for late April. I had my first (and last) depr provera shot the first of December. My weight was fine in December.....I gained no weight that month. By February 1 I had gained 15 pounds, all due to the shot. Now I have stopped and have had a period for 2 weeks. Try some other form of BT. Read up on this stuff on the is a poison!
   — Sharon B.

March 9, 2003
I went on Depo about 2 months before surgery. Ive had my second shot about 2 months ago...I have had no problems except for speratic spotting...Dont know how possible it is going to be to gain weight on the shot when we are always loosing it post op...I think depo is good. Although some peoples body just cant handle it.
   — sandrac131

March 9, 2003
I went on Depo about 2 months before surgery. Ive had my second shot about 2 months ago...I have had no problems except for speratic spotting...Dont know how possible it is going to be to gain weight on the shot when we are always loosing it post op...I think depo is good. Although some peoples body just cant handle it.
   — sandrac131

March 9, 2003
I started depo two months before surgery. I started my period two days after surgery and have had it since. I am 7 months out. I blame this on the surgery and depo. I hope it stops soon.
   — TP

March 9, 2003
Kimberly, I think I also posted to your other question. Please don't be scared by has different effects on different people. As with any treatment I would hope your doctor explained your options and provided information on them. Like I said on the other post I have been on it for over a year and have had no problems that I contribute to Depo. And as for the weight issue...since I have been on Depo I have lost 54 pounds. I don't contribute the wieght loss to being on Depo...but it obviously didn't prohibit my wieght loss or make me gain.
   — Sarahlicious

March 9, 2003
I loved being on the depo shot. I was on it for 8 years. However, I went off of it just before my surgery. When I first went on Depo I gain 56 lbs in 11 months and nothing I did would get it off!!! My Dr. and the surgery center I went to told me that even if I stayed on it and had surgery there was no guarantee I wouldn't continue with the weight gain. So, as difficult as a decision as that was I chose to come off depo. I didn't want to go thru all of this for nothing. I loved the depo because I loved not having a period, and I loved not being Cybil!!!! I think this is a personal decision and you must do all the research, just like for surgery. What does you OB say? Best wishes and continued success.
   — Linda M.

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