weight loss at 6 weeks

Before everyone lectures me about comparing weight loss, I'm really not doing that. Well, I am, but not for any reason other than information. Just curious what the average weight loss is at 6 weeks. Yes, yes, I know everyone is different and it depends on how much you have to lose and what surgery you had. I'm talking about RNY. I'm just trying to get some feel for if I should consider myself a slow loser or average. It doesn't matter, either way, just trying to guage it. I've got 5 more days until my 6 week mark and I've lost 33 lbs. Can some of you give me your stats around 6 weeks.    — Kathy S. (posted on March 6, 2003)

March 6, 2003
33#'s seems to be right on target, I totally understand what you mean about not comparing your weight loss but still wanting to know if you're doing okay. I think I was somewhere along the lines of -35#'s at 6 weeks post op. 53lbs at 2months and currently -75 at 3months post op :) You're doing GREAT!!!!!!
   — Ivonne C.

March 6, 2003
I too, think you are right on track and doing wonderful! I had lost 38 pounds at 6 weeks. At 2 months out I was down 46 pounds. And at 4 months out I was down roughly 75 pounds. I am now a little over 7 months out and I seem to holding steady at 95 pounds gone. (I am having one of those horrible plateaus). But honestly I can't complain at all. I think nearly a hundred pounds in 7 months is hardly anything to whine about. Keep doing what you are doing because you seem to be right on track. But remember one thing..... although the weight is coming off now no matter what you do, there will come a time when you'll have to take over, when the tool is done doing it for you. It's up to you then, make the right choices. Good luck to you!
   — Laurel C.

March 6, 2003
I think I had lost about 35/40 lbs. at 6 weeks out, even had my first plateaus then, too! I lost 30 my first month, and 10 each additional, and at 9 months post-op have lost 110lbs. You sound like you are doing great-you'll lose 100 pounds before you know it! goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

March 6, 2003
We must have had surgery around the same time (1/27/03) - I'll be 6 weeks out on Monday. I think I'm down about 34#. I'm so excited for both of us! ;->
   — barbdeane

March 6, 2003
I am 5 weeks and a day and am down 34 pounds soo far. It seems like the norm so I wouldn't be worried, I'm not. It'll come off, whether I end up being a slow, average, or fast loser. It is VERY hard not to compare and get frustrated but then it can also motivate you. Good luck!
   — Dee ,.

March 7, 2003
I couldn't remember so I had to look at my profile. I was a fast loser for a lightweight. I started at 263 and at 6 weeks weighed 216. That's a loss of 47 lbs. Shelley
   — Shelley.

March 7, 2003
At 8 weeks I was down 40, so it sounds like 33 is about average at 6 weeks.
   — Cindy R.

March 7, 2003
I'm 8 weeks out and down 25. At 6 weeks, I'd lost 22 pounds. I've been following all the rules, but started lightweight (at 222 lbs) and had a short bypass (80 cm). My surgeon says I'm ahead of where I should be. YEA!
   — Beth S.

March 7, 2003
THANK YOU BETH. I am 8 weeks out and down 27 and am a lightweight. Although it's gotten better in my head, some days I think I'm from Mars.
   — susanje

March 7, 2003
It sounds like you are a pretty average loser! HEE HEE! I am 7 weeks out and down 41 pounds. I think I was just where you are at 6 weeks give or take a pound. Other than early on with a 12 pound week and a 10 pound week, I average about 4 pounds per week.
   — Carol S.

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