Help! I am unhappy with my tummy tuck and mons pubis area after surgery.....

I need some input regarding what I should be expecting six weeks after my panni removal. I still have one drain in that I will get removed in three days. The problem I want to discuss with the doctor is my disappointment in the surgery results......but I would like some input as to whether my expectations are realistic. I am unhappy as I underwent an anchor cut to get a nice tight tummy but it still seems to be fatty and round up on either side of my vertical incision. He did a nice job of removing the panni, all 10 pounds of it...but the middle still seems flabby to me. Am I too early out to judge the results? Another issue I have is the mons area. Very unhappy with this one. I specifically told him that I wanted it fixed during our consult before the surgery. It is hanging and saggy, not tight as I expected. He told me that it would be the last place to stop swelling, but hanging???? It seems like it wasn't lifted enough or at all? Needless to say I am disappointed and don't want to panic too early if that's the case. Thanks for any input. Should I discuss a revision with him this early on? I am getting more depressed every day as I don't want to go under the knife again but really can't stand this sack looking mons area either!    — Bev M. (posted on March 6, 2003)

March 6, 2003
I think it's too early to panic, but I would still discuss your concerns with your PS. Ask what he will do IF it turns out that the problems do not improve/resolve. Find out what kind of time line you're looking at... ie, how much time needs to pass before a decision is made about whether you need corrective work. I had a little dog ear under one breast and asked my PS about it. She said we'd need to wait awhile, because it could get better or it could get worse and she wants to see how it goes first before correcting it (I'm about 7 weeks out). I would guess your PS will need to wait awhile too to see how things will look. I've heard swelling can go on as long as 6 months w/ a TT. Good luck!
   — mom2jtx3

March 6, 2003
I have never had PS but someone posted the other day that with a panni removal, the doc does not tighten up underlying muscles so you might still have a little fat there and it won't be nice and tight as with the abdominoplasty where they tighten stomach muscles. Makes sense to me. Maybe it will look better once the swelling goes down.
   — Delores S.

March 7, 2003
Swelling can last a long time. Up to 6 months. And definitely you'll have swelling at this stage. I'd give it a chance to see if the "fatty" area is swelling and not fat. If it is fat, I'd find out what he's going to do to fix it. And I'd definitely expect that he's going to have to redo your crotch lift. That doesn't sound right at all. I had mine in November. I had swelling but it made it tight & hard - like almost too much swelling for the skin to hold. It was never loose or floppy at all.
   — Shelly S.

March 7, 2003
The tricky part here is if you paid for this, then you should discuss with your PS your concerns and displeasure. If insurance paid for it then revision may get tricky since your panni has already been removed the rest of it is just for cosmetics. I don't want to upset you, but my pubic area looked saggy after my tt and I hoped it was just swelling. It wasn't and now I'm getting a pubic lift.
   — Lisa N M.

March 8, 2003
Hi, I had the tt, hernia surgery last June 02, and didn't like the results, saggie down there, so Jan 03 he redid my incision, and gave me a lift and lipo that area as well as under my arms, and back of them and knees, and waist area, I couldn't be happier. My swelling took a while about 6 weeks, and now flat everywhere's. I had to pay for arms, waist, knees, he sent in for the incision to be redone, and threw in the pubic area, hope this helps. I wouldn't stop till I was happy with it. I don't want to have anymore ps. Hope you are well, Susie
   — lostitall

March 8, 2003
Hi, I had my TT done in April of 2002. At this point dont worry, it really does take around 6 mos for the swelling to go away and for "things" to fall into place! I found wearing the binder REALLY helped me, this is a really major surgery and it takes quite awhile for our bodies to recover. Good luck and welcome to the "flatlands"! Kathy :)
   — Kathy H.

March 8, 2003
Thanks everyone for the input! I saw my surgeon and I definitely will be getting the crotch lifted. We will schedule it at my two month visit. He will not charge me for his services, but I may have to pay for the op room and anethesiologist myself. He is submitting it to insurance as a scar revison. Hopefully, they will cover it. If not, I will pay out of pocket myself as it really bothers me and I don't feel "normal". He also said that there is some swelling in the upper tummy area, as he poked at it! lol I will be patient and wait the six months as I am sure it will go down and I will be happy with the results. :)
   — Bev M.

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