How do the men on this site do with this surgery?

we hear so much from women...    — c T. (posted on February 24, 2003)

February 24, 2003
Hey CT, you can check out my profile if you want. I've got a pretty detailed chronology of my experience along with some pictures. Good luck to you. - Mike
   — Michael N.

February 24, 2003
Well it irritates the ladies that men loose faster. My profile is very complete. WLS was a fantastic experience/
   — bob-haller

February 24, 2003
C T - you can check out my profile as well...JR (open RNY 07/17 -152 pounds)
   — John Rushton

February 24, 2003
Now, Bob, not ALL the women get irritated. **grins Though, just why is it that men lose quicker? lol
   — TheresaC

February 24, 2003
I just wonder why so few men compared to women get the surgery... my eyes tell me there are at LEAST as many obese man as obese women...
   — Tim W.

February 24, 2003
Check out my freinds profile...Tim Barnett he had his surgery June or July of 2002. he has done GREAT!
   — Jamie M.

February 24, 2003
I don't want to stereotype, but it's my impression that more women than men keep up with information on health topics including WLS, and probably are more diligent about seeing their doctors. I really knew almost nothing about WLS until last fall after seeing the Al Roker story. I had not visited a doctor since having gall bladder surgery in 1996. When I first started researching this I was amazed at the amount of information available on the subject, but I had managed to not see any of it.
   — Jim F

February 24, 2003
I think I have done pretty well-I am 1 year post-op and have lost 185 pounds. I feel great and I have had very few problems. Surgery went very well and my recovery for the most part was very easy. My biggest problem is myself-I still have to remind myself to slow down when eating. If someone asks me about WLS I tend to get on my soapbox, as I feel it's the greatest thing I have ever done for myself and my family.I feel so much better and younger (I'm 56) and I am just as bad as any woman,when I buying clothes now !!! My wife also had WLS 2 months after me (She has lost 105 pounds) so eating the same is a big plus. Would I do it all over again-YES,YES,YES-in a heart-beat. Good Luck to you,and God Bless-Gary
   — gary B.

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