Travel after Gallbladder removal

Hi I am having my gallbladder removed on 02/25/03 lap. My question is this I am planning a trip to Disney World about a month after this surgery will I be ok to travel and go on all the wonderful rides?    — Heather .. (posted on February 21, 2003)

February 21, 2003
I had my gallbladder removed lap about 7 years ago and I would have easily been ready for the rides 1 month later. I went home within 3 hours of the surgery and was at the mall the next day. I was still sore, but not bad. I only missed 5 days of work. However, everybody is different. If you have had any other surgeries, how did your recovery go with them? (I was out shopping within 3 days of c-sections). Good Luck.
   — Carolyn M.

February 21, 2003
Heather, I had my gall bladder taken out almost 1 month ago, I'm still just a little tender, I also had it done lap, each person is different, I would have rather done the open WLS again, then do the gall bladder removal lap...... more pain for me... The doctor told me I had allot of scar tissue from the open WLS so it was more tender in the tummy belly button region. I personally would hold off from doing the roller coasters, I recently made a trip to California and was tempted to go to either Six Flaggs, or Knotts.... How-ever my husband reminded me, and said I should wait, I'm just now diving back into exercise 1 month post gall bladder. I would take it slow to make sure you don't pull anything, (By being jerked in the seat of a roller coaster) just take it easy. I think I'd wait a good 2 months before I would go to a park and ride the roller coasters, ( No use going if you can't ride all of the rides) best of luck, hope things are different for you. Post op 9 months down 124 pounds
   — tannedtigress

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