4 months post-op & I am out of control.....HELP

I am 4 months out and have lost 75 lbs. I kept saying, I didnt do this to be on a permantent diet...I wanna be normal and eat normal. Its a great idea for some I suppose..but not for me. I do not dump...the only time I have thrown up is if I dont chew meat well or eat pasta or rice. I can eat chocolate without dumping...The I-will-only-eat-one-tiny-piece-as-a-reward, led to me eating 5 uh-huh 5 pieces and a few hours later a few more. Yeah I know better but I swear it is like I just cannot control myself no matter what I do. I never go over 900 calories a day..but I went to fitday and started keeping track and I have had days when my carbs are in the 70's and my fat runs about 30. I know this is wrong and bad, but I feel so out of control. I have refused myself and noticed I was pacing the house like a caged animal at the zoo. I have waited years for this wls and have finally gotten it and now I feel like such an idiot that, me a grown woman, cannot control what I put into my face. I cant do the shakes they gag me, I am trying to find a bar I can tolerate hoping that it would help with the candy/chocolate/sugar cravings. I for some reason cant stand the taste of crystal light..It tastes like it has ground up aspirin in it. Splenda has a bitter after taste too. I have been trying to force myself to use the splenda to get used to it but I find that I will just nurse the drink for hours getting in only a few oz and I need more liquid than that. How can I get a hold of myself? I want so desperately for this to work. I have just sat and cried thinking about how dumb I am for not being able to get a hold of myself. Nothing works...I still go get the bad foods and stuff them into my mouth. The first few times I thought that since I had just discovered I could tolerate the junk food, I would let myself indulge and get it out of my system..BAD IDEA. Any suggestions would help. Thanks.    — cherokey55 (posted on February 20, 2003)

February 20, 2003
I dont really have an answer for you..I am just about 3 mos out...I had thought like you to eat candy or something that would really make me dump.and then I would never want it again...I guess that doesnt always work..You helped me to stay away from trying just in case I could handle it!! If I crave sweets I grab a popscicle..they even have the sugar free popscicles with vanilla ice cream inside.only 25 calories..Good Luck..hope you get some answers because I think I am going to need them!!!
   — NANCY P.

February 20, 2003
I'll share my favorites: Try EAS Carb Control Advant Edge - chocolate fudge - pre-made shakes. They're only 15g of protein, but very drinkable. All others came right back up for me! Also the Detour Bar truly is good - 32g of protein, but a lot of calories - 290. Worth it to me, though - it's a treat! Also, Zero-carb Isopure in a bottle - tastes like gatorade, comes in 7 flavors and has 40g protein. I split in in half and dilute with water to get two 20-oz., 20g drinks from each bottle. And the Sugar-free Sportcookie from has 15g protein and is also a treat - I like peanut butter best, but lemon and banana nut are good too (surprisingly, choc chip is my least favorite!) Good luck!!!
   — jen41766

February 20, 2003
How are you doing with protein foods, if you don't like protein shakes? Try to snack on protein foods as much as you can, instead of the foods that give you trouble. Lunchmeat, tuna, cheese, turkey pepperoni, anything that's protein heavy and carb or sugar light. It's the carbs and sugars that trigger your addictions. Also, I don't know what shakes you've tried, but there are TONS of them out there to try. I agree that most are awful, but it was worth going through all the bad ones to find a good one (for me, Proscore 100 Chocolate).<P>Also, does your doctor have after-care, meaning a counselor and/or support groups? Now would be a good time to explore those things, while you're still a relatively new post-op and still losing despite your struggles. You CAN get a handle on this, but it will require you deciding whether and how you want to re-wire your head to go along with your re-wired stomach. I don't like the word "diet" either. But on the other hand, we are people with a history of morbid obesity and a failed history of diets. We will not just come out of surgery being able to eat "normal" without a heckuva long fight ahead of us ... unfortunately it won't just *happen* because we had surgery, and as you are finding out in such a hard way.<P>I'm sorry it's so difficult, but I'm glad you posted. People need to know that if you start out with this surgery saying, "I didn't do this to be on a diet," you HAVE to develop a clear plan on what you're going to do differently this time, or there can be heartbreak ahead. :( <P> Please hang in there!! You have come a great distance, and you can make it if you are determined to kick those carb and sugar demons!
   — Suzy C.

February 20, 2003
i am still pre-op so i know the feeling of being out of control. i want you to know eventhou i don't know you, that you have ALL of my love and support. when i read all of the bio's on people on this site i really feel their pain and happiness. and i am NOT a mussy person. it is just that these things we talk about to each other are sometimes things we haven't even told our closest friends or sometimes they are things we haven't really wanted to think about because they are too painful. everyone who is going on this wls journey and those who still haven't are very much the same in so many ways. i think that is why i feel so close to people i don't even i will get to the i have collected some very good lowcarb sites. i hope these help you. p.s if you need someone to talk to, just email!! good luck
   — k K.

February 20, 2003
Hi Terri, So sorry about your troubles! Whenever I feel myself getting out of control I switch to all protein, no carbs. I'm not saying you need to do this indefinitely, just do it for a couple of days, but then really try to only eat carbs that are in veggies and fruit. It's all the 'white' stuff that screws us up. Like sugar and flour!!! They are deadly for me. Very addictive!!! The longer you can stay away from them, the better off you'll be and feel. I'll bet you anything you can get 'back in control'. Take care sweetie!
   — Stacy L.

February 20, 2003
First and foremost - YOU ARE NOT A BAD OR DUMB PERSON! Please remember this. Stop beating yourself up. Food is an addiction and this is part of all of our journeys in one form or another. I would recommend that you seek counseling or at least attend an OA group. Exercise may also help you get the stress out. Go out with friends. Write in a journal. Stress or something is making you feel this way and you need to learn to deal with it in a healthy way instead of turning to food for comfort. This is the same for alcoholics, smokers, anyone with an unhealthy addiction. Good luck to you.
   — Yolanda J.

February 20, 2003
I agree the Detour bar is great! That will take care of the sugar/chocolate cravings and the bar should last 2-3 meals. Also, when you feel a snacking binge coming on grab a bag of sunflower seeds. You get the satisfaction of the "crunch" when you break the shell and the salty taste, and although they have fat it also has protein. It would take hours to eat 300 calories worth, and let's face it, your tongue would be too swollen by then anyway. Go with the flow of it, it you are hungry, you need to eat, but find a happy-medium. Try and get all sugar and white flour out of the house until you can get past this, we have all been there at some point in our lives, you will get through this. Beef jerky is another thing that keeps the jaw chewing for a while. I wish you the best of luck, don't give up. Also, try the Propel drink by gatorade. My favorites are black cherry and strawberry kiwi. I have 1 bottle a day and the rest in the form of plain ol' water. Also a warm cup of friendship tea is good: 1/2 cup splenda; 2 tubs sugar free tang; 1 cup decaf lemon flavored ice tea; 1/2 tsp cloves; 1/2 tsp cinnamon. mix well. Add 1-2 teaspoons to 1 cup hot water and enjoy. The warmth and sweet taste help with cravings too.
   — Dana B.

February 20, 2003
If I could give you a big hug right now I would.
   — Samantha S.

February 21, 2003
Have you tried the sugar free Koolaid? I love it (lots more than Crystal Lite). This may help with your "sugar" cravings. LOL.
   — Lisa S.

February 21, 2003
First off, a big HUG for you. This should not be that difficult for you, and being in tears and stressed out and thinking your a bad person is not good for you-its a vicious cycle. Do you have a support group? If not, try to find one in your area-your surgeon may know of one. You need to go be around others who have had this surgery and can provide you with a support system. You are not alone. As for eating "normal", why are you beating yourself up if you are eating 900 calories a day? If it was 2000, well, then you would have reason. There is no reason why you cannot eat some chocolate, some sugar and some carbs. I don't consider 70 grams of carbs as being bad. Some nutritionists advocate 100 or more a day. Now there are others on here that will disagree with me and think anything above 20 is bad for you, but my nutritionist and I disagree. I think if you deny yourself all the goodies, or bad things, as you call them, you will just crave them more, and over indulge and then start the vicious cycle of feeling guilty, blaming yourself, eating more etc, etc. I don't agree that it has to be an all or nothing on the goodies. But if you are going to do the goodies, then you have to build them into a sensible program. Heres what I do: I always eat protein first at a meal-and I don't eat much in the way of carbs at meals (perhaps some wheat bread -sandwich at lunch), I save my carbs for a good protein bar-the Detour bars are good but my favorite are the Balance Gold Bars-they rock! They are like candy bars to me. I also eat little mini-chocolate chip cookies and buy the little 50 cent snack pack size so that I don't have a big bag of cookies in the house. I allow myself a couple of treats a day, but like I said, I build them into the program. I also ensure that I work out at least 4 times a week and drink tons of water. If you eat all your protein, exercise, drink tons of water, I don't see why you can't build in your treats/goodies to your routine. You will still lose weight and keep it off- I do.
   — Cindy R.

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