Does anyone have a wish list??

I know there have been similar questions asked, about clothes. But, I'm not asking about clothes. I was wondering if anyone had a list of things they want to do when the lose the weight? I'm pre-op, waiting for a date and I have many.. such as.. learning how to ski, going horseback riding, learning to roller blade, tying my own shoes again, sitting on the floor and playing with my 3 yo twin nephews.walking the full length of the mall without getting winded, rolling over in bed,and really rolling.. not lifting and turning.. lol. I was just wondering if anyone wanted to add to this. Just in a silly mood tonight. :-) Thanks.    — KellyJeanB (posted on February 5, 2003)

February 5, 2003
I hope I don't offend anyone by saying this, but it's true. I want to be on top (if you know what I mean), without fearing I may crush my spouse. (hee hee)
   — Renee B.

February 5, 2003
Skydiving! My father's side of the family has all skydived we held the guiness book of world records for a while for the largest family to jump at once - My father, his 7 siblings along with my grandmother and grandfather. I can't let my grandma show me up! Recently I checked into skydiving and at my weight it would cost almost double since they have to drop me from much higher and I would need a bigger chute. <p>Hiking to the Potholes in the Sequoia forrest. Off a fork in the Kern river there are large pools of water that you can swim in. The Potholes have a nice 15' cliff to dive off of and a waterfall you can slide down. I first went there as a teen during camp and had one of the best times of my life. The water was crystal clear and you can see the trout and catfish swimming around in the pools. After high school me and some friends went on a quest to find the potholes - didn't find them.. split-up... met back up after a couple days.. got into a fight with one the friends (he wasn't really "my" friend but a friend's friend) - but had another best times of my life experience from that. Currently with sleep apnea I can't camp out since trees don't come with electrical outlets. I also can't hike.. I get winded just climbing the stairs to my apartment. <p> Take Care, Be Well, and Be Happy!
   — John T.

February 5, 2003
Ok, this may also sound bad, but I want to get hit on! Don't even know what it would feel like for a woman to come on to me!
   — Robby E.

February 5, 2003
Ooh, I like this topic. :) I've had a wish list for a long time. I'm only 15 weeks out, so I'm still waiting for these wishes to come true (and they WILL!) And aside from the obvious of being able to wear nice clothes (and lingerie!) that actually express my personal style (what a concept!), let alone no longer having to shell out extra money for the granny-style pup tents we're all too familiar with... I have the following items on my wish list: <B>1.</B> soaking in the bathtub and having the water cover me all the way. also having room for my arms to go! <B>2.</B> sitting cross-legged, either pretzel-style on the floor (or in a chair) or just crossing my legs like normal people do all the time, that and being able to "hug" my knees to my chest with no effort... how would it be? <B>3.</B> getting into and out of the car easier <B>4.</B> going up stairs without gasping for breath <B>5.</B> passing people on sidewalks and in corridors and market aisles without having to get out of the way <B>6.</B> not having to use the handicapped stall in public restrooms because the other stalls are too small to even turn around in <B>7.</B> being treated like a LADY (i wonder...?) <B>8.</B> doing any "normal" activity without suffering: hiking, biking, camping, shopping, kneeling, running, shaving my legs, swimming, dancing, fitting into chairs (restaurants, theaters, buses, airplanes, ROLLER COASTERS)!!!! <BR> Last weekend I actually went and played in the snow with my nieces and nephew. We built a snowman, too. It wore me right out, but I still did it! 4 months ago i NEVER would have been able to do that. It was so wonderful, and I look forward to doing so much more! :)
   — maurer_power

February 5, 2003
Yes...ranging from being more of a 'gymnast' in bed(grin) to wearing 'real' clothes. So far, here are some wishes that have come true or will shortly... Yesterday, I went for a walk w/ my family and I decided to try out my oldest son's scooter (the skateboard kind)and..lo and behold...I not only stayed on, but was able to put my other leg in the side and behind me. My kids were laughing and DH called me show off..but he was grinning from ear to ear. I will be going to Orlando at the end of Feb for a week. We will do 5 amusement parks...and I plan to ride everything and walk, walk, walk. Exercise is actually fun now...the mental challenge of moving my body to new levels of fitness and strength is a 'gee, I never pictured myself doing this' type of thing. Shopping for clothes in the 'normal' section of a store..trying on size 16 jeans and having my 9 yr old son say, " woohoo mom..lookin gooood" or hearing him make his funny purring sound when he sees me dressed up. (He has always been a ladies man). Other wishes to be fulfilled walk through a room full of men and 'know' I am turning heads(a first for me so let me have my fantasy, lol) to go parasailing and not have them turn me away cuz I am too fat...walk down an airplane aisle with out having to turn sideways to fit between the seats...learn to inline skate, take martial arts w/ my oldest son and be strong enough to lift and manuever my youngest who is in a hear the words, "Wow, you are getting really thin..don't you think you have lost enough weight?" That would be music to my
   — TanaMom2JAM

February 5, 2003
Haven't had the surgery yet but do I ever have wishes! I'm going to hit every bar I can. I've got to make up for a lot of lost time. I'm going to be on the prowl baby!!!
   — Maria G.

February 5, 2003
I'm with Robby on this one. However at 45 it ain't going to happen.
   — Danmark

February 5, 2003
Original poster here. Daniel..doubtful at 45? What's wrong with 45? I'm 43, and if I were single, I'd much rather hit on a man in his 40's than younger. I love all the answers, and many more things have been added to my wish list.. lol.. I did have the sexual acrobatics on my list, but didnt want to be the first to put it in.. lol. Thank you! :-)
   — KellyJeanB

February 5, 2003
Hi there, Kelly Jean! I think this is a great question. I liked the comment by Liz about crossing our legs, but I would like to do it like my niece where the leg on top can wrap behind or get snug with the other leg. I would like to re-learn how to ride a bike. My hubby is trying to make this one come true, he went and bought me a bicycle and wants to get me on it the first warm day we have. :-( Then also, I made a promise to my husband that if I made it to 200, I would learn to scuba dive! He's a professional and wants me to go out on dive trips with him. Getting into a seat, small like they have on Greyhounds, and not squishing the person next to me! Vi. open RNY 9/23/02 down 101 lbs.
   — Vi F.

February 5, 2003
Kelly Jean, I had my own horse for years (was not overweight as a kid) and stopped riding when I was 21 b/c i got too big. I was 305 day fo surgery and am 14 lbs away form 200, as soon as I am 199, I am going riding again. I miss it sooo much. I rose everyday for 15 years, gosh do I miss it, I CAN'T WAIT! Giddy Up! Heather (Open RNY 8/15/02 - 305/214/150)
   — heathercross

February 5, 2003
Yeah! I bought my skis about 3 mos ago. Downhill sounds like it would be fun thin, not right now. I'm still pre-op I would probably break something, but after surgeryI am having my bindings put on w/ anticipation.
   — Nickie C.

February 5, 2003
Wish list? Heck yes! I've dreamed of learning Irish Step Dancing once I lost at least 100 lbs. (Lost 160) But no one will teach an adult. They only want kids and teens. Sucks. All this weight gone and I can't fullfill my dream as no one wants to teach an old fart any new tricks. :(
   — Danmark

February 5, 2003
Renee, Jenna is right...really must work on building those thigh muscles LOL Also, be careful what you wish for because husbands do get spoiled really fast by our new (renewed) vigor ;) At least my DH is spoiled by this (then again, he's always been spoiled in some way or another). My personal wish has been to have a "normal profile" and I'm getting closer everyday. Used to be I was all boobs and belly, along with 3 or 4 chins. Now I actually have a figure! I'm a tummy tuck and boob lift away from being completely where I want to be! - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -110lbs.
   — Anna L.

February 5, 2003
I want to dance with my husband and not look like a couple of hippos in heat!
   — koogy

February 5, 2003
One of my wishes has already come true. It may sound trivial, but I am really enjoying sitting in chairs with my feet up on the seat, too. I feel like a kid again! Open RNY 3/19/02, Down 109 pounds.
   — jm3218

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