Did anyone have any experience with vomiting as a result of anesthesia?

I have had three ankle reconstruction surgeries, each one was meant to be done as a same-day surgery, going home after... but I had to stay several days each time because the anethesia caused me to have SEVERE vomiting, crying, and shaking for a day or so after surgery. I am very afraid of vomiting so soon after WLS, because of the damage it can do... someone said they can give you different medicine or something while you're under to keep it from happening. Did anyone else have this problem, how did you and your doctor deal with it, and do you have any suggestions for what I should ask for?    — Kelly B. (posted on February 2, 2003)

February 2, 2003
I am SO with you about the vomiting after surgery! I have had probs with it in several of my surgeries in the past. With my last 2 surgeries (my neck and my Open RNY), I told the anesthesiologist about my past reactions to the anesthesia and they made sure to put something in my IV (don't recall what it was) to calm my tummy. I did not vomit once after either surgery!! Just make sure and let the anesthesiologist, the nurse and everyone else you come into contact with that day of surgery, least someone forget! :-) Good luck to you in your journey!
   — Click

February 2, 2003
I never had surgery before so was not sure how I would react to the anesthesia. But everytime I had to get up to move around, I became very sick and vomiited on a number of occasions. I really don't recall the name of any of the medicines they tried. The first one did not work, so they tried another one that did. However I had to get these shots of naseau medicine frequently. Because their was nothing in my stomach I dry heaved a lot of the time. But was really freaked out the first couple of times I vomitted up blood. But I was told it was to be expected. On my last day at the hospital I was feeling 100% better considering, and went through the GI with flying colors. Just be up front with your doc and let them know that you have history with anesthesia making you ill. Hope this helps.
   — Heather B.

February 2, 2003
I work in the preop dept of a local hospital. The anti-nausea drug of choice these days is ZOFRAN-4mg IV. Works wonders if given preoperatively. Just let your anesthiologist know about your nause and he/she will most likely order this for you. Hope this helps!! Lisa
   — Lisa H.

February 2, 2003
I always have trouble after surgery. I made it perfectly clear to my doctor and everyone else who would listen. They put a patch behind my ear, medicine in my iv.... I hadn't eaten for two days so I knew that wasn't it, and I still vomited coming out of surgery. But, my suggestion is ask for that patch. After surgery it did help to eliminate the nausea I felt after prior surgerys. It is called a scopoli patch or something. Good Luck. I am 3 weeks post op and feeling good.
   — Lori S.

February 2, 2003
I vomited several times after my lap RnY and let me tell you, it wasn't fun. I was miserable and couldn't let the little yellow basin out of my site. There was nothing in my little pouch except bile and a little blood, but vomiting really hurt. Even while unconscious I had my hand on that basin (I have photos!) I wish I'd known ahead of time that I wasn going to be one of those folks who have trouble, but I didn't. My surgeon came in a few hours after surgery and gave me something, which did clear up my nausea. I now know to ask for meds ahead of time and let me tell ya, the are going to give me whatever drugs they have to to make sure I never vomit like that again.
   — Mrs. Rich

February 2, 2003
Hey Kelly, There are a couple of good medications that they can order for you intra-operatively or immediately post-op...They are Zofran and Phenergan. And they can use them both together since they are not in the same class of drug, they don't act the same way. And they can both wipe out the nausea if one doesn't do the trick immediately. You need to let the anesthesiologist know this is a problem for you when you go for your anesthesiology interview or physical b/c they will need to know this in addition to any other anesthesia problems that may arise. Vomiting immediately after abdominal surgey is not good because it can damage the internal suture/staple lines as well as the external staple lines...Not to mention how badly it will hurt! Hope this helps...<3
   — Marni

February 2, 2003
I too experience the inability to tolerate anesthesia. AFter my Gastric By-pass surgery I felt so sick.....I told the nurse adn she RAN to get a needle with some medication that began to work immediate. As a suggestion; I would let the hospital staff know of your intolerance to anesthesia so they may be prepared.
   — twenc

February 3, 2003
Thanks everyone, hopefully knowing what to ask for will help.. thanks again.
   — Kelly B.

February 4, 2003
Definitely let the doctor know about this! I have had quite a few surgeries and they had to experiment to finally find what worked. Two years ago I had a hysterectomy and they gave me the same mixture they give chemo patients. Nothing before that ever worked. They gave it to me before surgery began, in the IV during surgery and afterward. The last IV with it in it ran out around 2 a.m. and wouldn't ya know it...I got sick. The good news is that it was NOTHING like prior times. This is something that scares the heck out of me about surgery. I am scared of getting sick and vomiting after this type of procedure. But the doc has assured me that the absolute most it will be is the mild episode like last time. One time mild is much better than vehemently ill. No matter what, I'd like to hear what they end up using for you and how it turned out. Diane
   — Diane S.

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