DS'ers is there anything you take for gas/bm odor?
I notice when I eat certain things that the bm's and gas are horrific smelling. Not like normal gas or bm's smell like roses (lol). But sometimes hubby says his nose hairs curl hehe. Any suggestions for internal deodorizers? Thanks gang. — Cinna G. (posted on February 1, 2003)
February 1, 2003
There is a product available that many bypass pts. use. It is called
DEVRON. It is pills that you take and I saw it at
Fairly cheap and some swear by it. or you can call 1-800-453-8898. Hope
this helps and no I am not affiliated with the company lol
— Delores S.
February 1, 2003
Sorry to correct spelling, but the actual product name is Devrom =) I've
been thinking of picking some up as a pre-op just in case to see how it
— ImANewDee
February 1, 2003
I have found when I eat alot of white flour type foods or high carb foods I
am gassier than normal, and I usually get it in the evening rather than
early in the day.I have been fortunate that I havent had a terrible odor
problem with the gas , but I take acidophilus tablets daily and If I start
geting stinky I double or tripple up on the pills.This Is not a one time
solution type thing for it to work you have to replenish the little
critters daily. the bad bacteria seems to be stronger , so you have to send
in reinforcements constantly. The tablet I take is from a health food store
and has about 13 billion live bacteria in each tablet and something called
polyoligosacherides that are supposed to help feed the bacteria .It can
also be bought in liquid form. but I tend to think that our gastric juices
would kill off some of these bacteria before they get to our intestines
which is where they do there work.This is one case where you would not want
the coating on the pill to disolve completely before it leaves the
stomach.Some people swear by the kind you must refrigerate, but mine that
dont need refrigeration seeeem to work great.
— Laura W.
February 1, 2003
There is a great product called Devrom. Its an intestinal deoderizer.Its
made for wls patients. Its made by the Parthenon Co. Inc. If you call this
number, you can get more information:1-800-453-8898. It comes in tablet and
capsule form.I have had other wls folks reccommend it.
— Leslie E.
February 1, 2003
A higher power fan in the bathroom may also help :-)
— Robert L.
February 1, 2003
Hi Cinna! I'm 8 months post op BPD no DS and can totally relate. I tried
Devrom, but I was taking up to 9 a day with very little measurable result.
Soo, I have simply gone to 'trial and error' with food. Some foods, like
broccoli, I WILL NOT eat if I'm going to be in the company of other human
beings. It's kind of a bummer, because I adore broccoli, but until I find
a better option I'm doing what I can to protect my own personal ozone
I've appreciated the other answers here and maybe I too will find something
more workable, after all, most of us chose the DS or BPD to be able to
continue to eat more normally, so it bites to have to adjust our diets
because of gas and odor issues. Best of luck! ~Peace
— Joscelin
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