Is my headache normal. I am almost 3 weeks out post-op?

I had surgery on 1/9/03 For the past 6 days, I have had a bad headache in the evening. I am fine in the morning but as the day goes on it starts and gets worst. I am down 22 pounds and have taken my vitamins and drink my water and protein shake. Am I missing something or is this normal due the my new diet changes? I should add that before surgery I never ever got headaches and I do not take any surgery pain meds anymore (just Tylenol). Thanks!!    — Bea .. (posted on January 29, 2003)

January 29, 2003
Remeber you body is going thru many changes right now. I would ask my doctor about the headaches.
   — barbara A.

January 29, 2003
There could be many causes for your headache. If you were a caffeine drinker before surgery headaches can be caused from withdrawl. I found that I had hunger headaches from lack of nutrients. At this point you are probally consuming 1/4 of the calories and protein you would before surgery. If they become unbearable contact your doctor. Best of luck ** kelly
   — Kelly T.

January 29, 2003
Hi, Bea. I agree with the prior poster... it could be lack of nutrients... it could be environmental changes with this wacky weather system hitting the nation lately. I found an Excederin product that is acetameniphin (sp?) and dissolves on your tongue... you don't have to crush it. Check with your doctor, but, if the headache is not going away, you may want to try this. I have had two headaches requiring meds since surgery (5 weeks) and this worked better than the Tylenol. Hope this helps. :-)
   — Angela D.

January 30, 2003
Hi! You are doing great! I had headaches and attributed them to the caffeine and sugar withdrawals. I drank several caffeine drinks a day before surgery and now drink none. Also, the change in the amount of foods (eating tiny bits instead of big meals) could be doing it. Also, you didn't say if the Tylenol knocks the headache out or not??? If it does, then I would just go it for another week or so and go ahead and call to ask your doctor or nurse too. Good Luck!
   — mbradley35

January 30, 2003
I'm 4 weeks post on 1-31, and I too have headaches almost daily towards the end of the day.It seems that I'm not eating enough, and they are hunger headaches, after I eat a yogurt or some crackers, they go away.Hope this helps
   — Dorothy B.

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