Does anyone have Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota?
and if so, what was your experience like? How long did they take to approve? Did you have to appeal? Our package has just been submitted. Thanks. — jnc (posted on January 27, 2003)
January 27, 2003
I have BCBL of MN. I have just my sleep study left to do before my surgeon
will submit my info for approval. Reading the requirements BCBS requires,
I think I won't have any problems being covered........ but then again, we
ARE talking about an insurance Company. Feel free to email me and we can
exchange info if you'd like! God Bless!
— J. Wilkinson
January 27, 2003
I also have BCBS of MN mine is a PPO plan. I had no problem at all with
approval. My BMI pre-op was 52. I did have sleep apnea and migraines. My
pre-cert. letter was faxed on October 10. I was approved on October 23.
They also require you to have a psych. evaluation. Best wishes on this
great adventure. Email if you have any further questions.
— Gary F.
January 27, 2003
I had a great experience with BC/BS. I am a 30 year old, BMI of 43, with
almost non existant other health issues. I had my appiontment with the
nurse on November 1st. My preauthorization letter was dated November 4th
and I had an answer on November 5th! Hope all goes as smoothly for you.
— eaamc
January 27, 2003
I have BCBS of MN EPO when you find out let me know =)
I'm in California also and am still in the process of trying to find a
— Robin J.
January 27, 2003
I had to answer my own question! We were both APPROVED today! 1 day
service. Incredible. Our consultation with Dr. Asbun was Friday at 8:45
a.m. and our package was faxed to BC/BS Minn that same afternoon. At lunch
my husband called BCBS and they said we were approved. Sheesh - this
awesome. Now were just trying to connect with the surgeon's office to
schedule our surgeries...yippee!
— jnc
January 30, 2003
I had Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota and was approved in one DAY!
MINNESOTANS: Be sure to go to the Minnesota Obesity Surgery Support Group
Online at Yahoo ! The Spring Thaw -
convention/party is coming May 2-3! I want to meet you all there!
— [Deactivated Member]
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