How long does someone have to be off steroids before they can have WLS?

I am an asthmatic and have had a particularly difficult time this winter with my asthma. I have been on prednisone for over two months and am also on a steroidal inhaler. I have FINALLY been weaned off of the prednisone but am wondering if there is a certain amount of time one has to wait to have an elective surgery? Thanks in advance!    — denisel (posted on January 20, 2003)

January 20, 2003
Hmmmm. I was'nt aware you had to be off of steriods before surgery. I take testosterone plus several nasel steriods for allergies and was'nt told to come off of any of them. You probally should contact your prospective surgeon to ask.
   — Danmark

January 20, 2003
I was able to have my WLS while on steroids (Predinisone) and my doctors actually increased the dose 1 day pre-op to make sure I was breathing OK...I am now off it for the first time in 2 years. Good luck
   — Linda 1.

January 20, 2003
hello, my 1st surgeon (no longer using him)said steriods were a surgeons worst nightmare. my hemotologist said he was a misinformed and i should not worry. we will see when the time comes for my "big day" good luck
   — Maureen A.

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