6wks out and no energy.

i have no energy i can`t care for myself yet (shower,make food )...and can`t stay alone very long periods of time pleae any hints would help???    — Penny N. (posted on January 20, 2003)

January 19, 2003
you need to do tow things. First, talk to your doc about this. IF he says that there is no medical reason for the way you are feeling. Then it is time to push yourself to do these things. Make yourself get up and shower. Make yourself go for a walk. Make yourself do some laundry. Make a list of things that you are going to do for the day and work to get them done.
   — Vicki L.

January 19, 2003
Call yur surgeon ASAP. Sounds like you might be depressed, thats common in new post ops. Do you go to support group meetings? Tell us more so we can help you.
   — bob-haller

January 20, 2003
I remember feeling the same way. Don't give up, it does get better. I have so much energy now that I run circles around my husband!! It feels great because I'm getting things accomplished that I never would think of doing before, like weeding and working in the yard! It takes time and you are sooo early post-op! Just be sure to keep up with your vitamins and drink your water! Best wishes!
   — sunsect

January 20, 2003
Are you doing your daily walk? After my surgery, I didn't have a whole lot of energy, and I had to push myself everyday. The first thing I would do is shower. Even if your walk is a few steps everyday outside, do it. It took me about a week to walk to the end of the block, but I did it and I was tired at the end. At 6 weeks I was going back to work the following week and had a long way to walk from my train to my office. I know it's hard sometimes, but get up and get going and you'll start losing, too!
   — dolphins94

January 20, 2003
Hi Penny, I would also suggest maybe taking an iron supplement. I had no energy at 6 weeks, although I could take care of myself, but my doctor had me take extra iron supplements because my iron was really low. Some people can get kind of anemic after surgery, and the iron helps. But you should talk to your doctor about it, as the other posters have said. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 20, 2003
I was the same exact way. But I HAD to go back to school and then I HAD to go back to work. I said I would never be able to do it. But when I did go back (to both work & school) it actually gave me the much needed energy I had been craving. My PAT's showed that I was anemic. My surgeon told me to start taking iron supplements when I saw him at my 10 day post-op (Open RNY w/ gallbladder removal 11/11/02) check-up. I didn't buy them until this week and boy what a difference! I am like a new person since I forced myself to do for myself. Don't take this stage lightly. If you stay dorment you could slip into depression if you haven't already. I know I was dangerously close and I was the last person anyone would suspect of being depressed. Fight this. You can get over it if you fight it. Don't let it control have to control it!
   — Tracy A.

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