I know its gross

I know its gross but I have to do a bowel cleanse tommorow for surgery monday.. I have never done this..Im using NU lytely..does this hurt? what exacty to I have to expect..plz ?    — christine S. (posted on January 18, 2003)

January 18, 2003
I've never used the NU lytely...the 3 times I've had to do bowel preps, I had to use Fleet Phosphosoda (which I think someone invented as a torture device because it tastes so foul. I couldn't only get the ginger-lemon. ick). The bowel prep doesn't hurt, just make sure you don't stray too far from the bathroom. Keep some vaseline in the bathroom to prevent burning. (that's what I used) It's really not so bad and it's over. Good luck and congrats on the surgery!
   — Michelle B.

January 18, 2003
I had to use Fleet Phosphosoda to prep for a colonoscopy. I had the ginger/lemon thinking it would be better then the reg. It was disgusting!!! Wasn't sure I would be able to get the second dosage down in the morning. I held my nose and chugged it. Then drank 4 glasses of ice cold water right after. Made me sick to my stomach both times I had to use it. Staying near a bathroom is the best advice. Good luck!
   — TheresaC

January 18, 2003
I had to drink a gallon of that stuff the day before i had a colonoscopy, it is the nastiest stuff to drink but just chug as much as you can, and dont expect to leave the house. You dont have bad cramps or anything, but when you have to go, you have to go. Good luck to you on your wonderful journey.. Tasha
   — Natasha B.

January 18, 2003
Christine, I've taken NU lytely many times for various scopes and surgeries. It is not the most pleasant substance to drink. I tastes very salty (even for someone who loves salt). You have to drink a glass every 10 minutes or so and you most definitely want it as cold as possible (you can't add any ice). You also will want to drink it down as fast as possible. You definitely need to be stationed near the bathroom after the first few glasses are down but this will subside within a few hours or so after you finish your last glass. You do want to try your best to drink the required amount or you may not cleanse well enough. I always try to think of it as drinking Gateraid which may help somewhat. Good luck. I know you can do it!
   — Theresa I.

January 18, 2003
Well, I have never seen it posted here, so I thought I would add. When I had my colonoscopy, my Gastroenterologist had me mix the Fleet Phosphosoda with cold ginger ale. I forget the exact ration, but it wasn't really bad. Just tasted like ginger ale with a slightly salty wang to it. I think it was something like half a bottle of the stuff with 6 oz of ginger ale or something like that. Might wanna check and see if your surgeon is ok with that. Sure takes the edge off.
   — Greg P.

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