Please HELP!!! I need some advice about my fatty liver!

Last month, I had all of my organs checked out via ultrasound, and everything looked fine except for what my Dr. called a fatty liver. I have read of several surgical complications caused by this and since I am having the DS--03-24--I am worried. I would like to know if anyone had trouble because of this. I just don't know what to expect. Thanks, marie    — sm S. (posted on January 12, 2003)

January 11, 2003
Nearly every MO has this. Were fat everywhere, inside and out. It generally goes away as the weight leaves.
   — bob-haller

January 11, 2003
We had a gastrointerologist speak at our support group meeting yesterday - the topic was GI problems in the morbidly obese. One of the problems he talked about at length is fatty liver and the ultimate health problems this can cause - like non-alcoholic related chirrosis. The most beneficial way to deal with a fatty liver is to lose weight and he has found that patients who have weight loss surgery do very well and the condition is usually reversed and no futher problems occur. So, having the surgery is a plus if you have fatty liver.
   — Patty_Butler

January 11, 2003
Since we don't metabolize fat as we should, being MO, our livers also become MO...we have fat stores everywhere in our body. As you lose the weight, the liver will lose its fat too. My surgeon requires all of his patients to go on a "liver shrinking diet" 5 days pre op (just when you want to pig out the most, right?) Anyway, you'll lose a few pounds, and shrink the liver so that the surgeon can get around it to the stomach. Good Luck and Have a Sparkling Day!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

January 12, 2003
Hi Marie :). I had LAP RNY on 12/27/02. I found out after my surgery that I had a fatty liver. My surgeon told us that he'd nicked it with the laser but was able to cauterize it and stop the bleeding with no problems. The only "problem" I've had from it was a bruise that has taken its own sweet time in slowly moving down and disappearing. It doesn't hurt; it just doesn't look that pretty! He said that as I lose weight, the excess fat on the liver will also be part of the weight loss. Good luck!
   — SuzAnne S.

January 12, 2003
At my consultation my surgeon told us to go on a high protein diet to help shrink the fatty liver before surgery. We were told a regular diet, 75 to 80% protein. I'm going to go back on the susanne sommers diet ( very close to atkins) to acheive this. Hope it works. :o)I almost forgot, he wanted us to start it right after the consultation. Longer you are on it, the better the results.
   — Bethy413

January 12, 2003
My surgeon said my liver was HUGE! He said that was to be expected though. Even though I weigh 395 and had a super big liver, he was able to do it lap. He had gotten some new liver retractors (had to use 2 on me) that made it possible! I think surgeons are well aware of the fact that MO people have big livers and take precautions to avoid hurting it!
   — Amber F.

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