Bending, stooping, lifting, leaning over onto stomach,, will surgery affect these actions?

I am a Mechanic and I have to sometimes lean over the fender or grill of a vehicle which is uncomfortable now. I am really considering this surgery, but love what I do and where I work. Would surgery interfere with my ability to do these things?    — L J. (posted on January 12, 2003)

January 11, 2003
Short term you will not be able to lift any more than about 10 pounds. For the first few months post-op you will be very uncomfortable bending over the hood of a car. Your doctor is the best person to tell you how long you will be unable tp perform the requisite bending and lifting for your job. Longer term, the belly will definitely be out of your way and everything in your life will become a lot more comfortable. Surgery may mean taking some time off and changing how you do your job for awhile but I don't see any reason it should preclude you from enjoying a new life and the job you love so well. You may need to be creative at first to avoid injuring yourself.
   — phoebe

January 11, 2003
Get your surgery LAP. With a open the hernia rsk is great, with LAP its near zero. Your job is so physical this is a important consideration. Figure at least a month off for recovery.
   — bob-haller

January 11, 2003
Lap will help you recover faster too!
   — bob-haller

January 12, 2003
I had an open RNY and I could lift pull and push HEAVY objects at 8 - 10 weeks, I was leaning and bending on my stomach at 5-6 weeks or so. Base your decision on if surgery is best for you medically, then decide on which type of procedure you prefer. There are pluses and minuses to both so do your research! Good luck
   — Linda 1.

January 12, 2003
I was told by my surgeon that the restriction is 10 lb weight limit for one month, including not doing anything that pulls or pushes. Darn, no vacuuming! But, I was concerned because I have a toddler at home so I have to make a few adjustments while recovering. This is with lap, not open. I am sure you could hang around the shop anyway and do some other things for the month and ease back into it. It'll be all well worth it, your belly with be gone and you could probably even climb into the engine later on! Good Luck
   — Dee ,.

January 12, 2003
Like others have suggested, I would try to have it done LAP. I had my LAP RNY three months ago. I'd say it took me about 6 weeks before I was comfortable bending, stooping etc. I'm a pet sitter and it was much more exhausting and difficult than I had anticipated. Who'd of thought picking up a cat would have been a problem...LOL. But, even so, I would not let that stop me, it was the best thing I've ever done for myself. Best of luck with your decision!
   — Stacy L.

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