
I have been in extreme pain from muscle spasms after my lap RNY on 12/17/02. Doc says he hasn't seen it before. I went back in the hospital for 2 days and am now on soma and darvocet. I have to where a binder and use a pressure pillow on my abdomen when walking & sitting? Is this ever going to end?    — Nancy H. (posted on January 11, 2003)

January 11, 2003
If you are speaking of spasms around your new stomach, its very normal. I had horrible spasms starting around 6 days post-op. They were not too bad the first couple of days, but by Day 9, I would cry in pain. I also had lap rny and hadn't taken anything for pain until these spasms started. I believe they had completely stopped about 2 weeks after they began. My surgeon could not tell me what they were either, but a friend said she thought maybe it was our "old" stomachs starving. I don't know though. All I know is the tube that was left in would feel as if it were being pulled from the inside! I have read many posts about these pains, so it's not uncommon...Hang in there, Sweetie! It will get better, I assure you!......Karen (lap rny- 9/20/02- down 98 pounds!)
   — karmiausnic

January 11, 2003
I had this problem, although not as severe. The doctor told me to up my potassium and calcium supplements. I did that, and it went away. He said cramps and spasms are pretty normal.
   — Diana L.

January 11, 2003
Increase Magnesium.
   — Meg L.

January 12, 2003
YES_YES_YES!! In the hosptial nothing they were giving me for pain was helping....UNTIL one of the nurses decided to try no morphine and use an anti-inflammatory instead. The med was called Toradol. It was, for me, a miracle drug! I went home with samples of celebrex & vioxx-both anti-inflammatory meds-for pain. I also found that alternating ice packs & moist heat helped. Most docs hesitate to use anti-imflammatory meds due to their potential to cause/exaccerbate ulcers, and I did end up being hosptialized with an ulcer 6 weeks post op. So, well they worked for me, I would encourage you to consisder the risks before taking the anti-inflammatory road. Best Wishes in your process!!!
   — Heather N.

January 12, 2003
I agree with upping the potassium-calcium-magnesium. Just like when anyone all of a sudden stops eating, like on a crash diet, or if you take a prescription diuretic. You have lost a lot of minerals and water and your muscles - in the strangest places sometimes - ball right up. Plenty of water and make sure your minerals are fast-absorbing.
   — cddgo

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