I have orthodontic braces (mouth) - Is this a problem?

I have a full set of orthodontic braces (upper and lower teeth) I'm a little concerned about my mouth drying out and being torn up while I'm under anesthesia. Has anyone out there had this surgery while wearing braces? How did you do?    — Anne R. (posted on January 10, 2003)

January 9, 2003
I did not have this surgery but another one with a full set of braces and it was no problem at all whatsoever. The braces are basically on the outside of your teeth and they do not need to do anything there, it's the inside of your mouth that they insert the tube through and into your throat. I do have a permanent upper retainer now that's cememted to the back of my teeth that could get knocked loose. But the anesthesiologist asks you about any "devices" in your mouth that they need to be aware of and they try to be careful. Good Luck!
   — Dee ,.

January 10, 2003
I also had braces on when I had my Lap RNY and had no problems. Good luck to you..... Gina
   — Gina P.

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