Bread craving- is it just a passing craving or time to really watch the breads?
I am constantly craving bread, pretzels and crackers. Anything crunchy. I went thru the pickle and fruit cravings but I need to know from posties if this is a normal passing craving or am I too far out now and I really need to limit and watch these particular foods? What can I eat to lessen the cravings? Thanks everyone. — [Deactivated Member] (posted on January 9, 2003)
January 9, 2003
Hi Stacie! I had my surgery on April 18th, so our post-op dates are pretty
close and believe me I know what you mean about the cravings. They were
terrible for me. I finally had to go totally low carb! I was totally out
of control with my eating of the pretzels, popcorn and crackers and my
weight loss was slowing down too much for my taste. I decided to do what
Atkins said and go 2 weeks and stay below 20 grams of carbs and then stay
about 30 to 40 grams a day after that. I know some people will say that is
extreme but not to me because carbs are too hard for me to resist and once
I got them out of my system then it is easier. I also lose a lot faster
when I stay on the low end of the carbs and that is really important to me.
Again that is my opinion and my experience and that is what I have found
to work best for me. When I did have a little too many carbs like over
Christmas, I decided to go back on 20 grams of carbs for 2 weeks (I'm on
that right now) and then I will continue like I was before. I am down
143 pounds. 30 from my goal. I hope this helps. Cheryl
— cdiss
January 9, 2003
Try eating sunflower seeds! When you crack the shell you get the crunch
and even though it is higher in fat, you are getting some protein. It
would take you hours to eat 300 calories worth. I keep them in my car and
eat on my way home from work everyday. I no longer crave chips or
crackers. It's becoming an addiction for alot of us in my support group.
— Dana B.
January 10, 2003
Your about 8 months out now, and craving carbs is normal if you have carbs
in your system. The more bad carbs you eat, the more you will crave- same
goes for sugar. I don't see a problem though with having some pretzels, or
crackers. It would be different if you were craving donuts and cookies.
Just eat these in moderation. BTW, you've done a great job on your weight
— Cindy R.
January 10, 2003
Have a couple of bites of bread and you will be cured of the craving. I
felt the same way... I made myself a half of a turkey sandwich and after
about 3 bites... I felt the mucus rise up in my stomach... and threw it up.
The texture of the bread was so heavy that it didnt settle well and it had
to come up. SO that was it for me in regards to bread. I occasionally
have bite of hot bread or a bite of a roll in a restaurant but it doesnt
have the appeal to me once I taste it. I have a cracker or two nowadays,
but I still watch the carb count... I will buy a box of cheese its and
count out ten of them into a little cup and have them as a snack
occasionall or some wheat thins... but I limit them and only do it once a
week or so. I believe that if you are craving something to have a taste of
it... if it is reasonable. You will find that the things you crave dont
taste the same.
— SusanMaria
January 10, 2003
— jan M.
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