What can I do at 400+ to better prepare for open rny

I would like to hear from others that are 400+ on what they have done or are doing to assist them prior to wls. How can I help to better prepare my lungs and heart for this procedure? You can respond here or email me. Thanks Vesta    — vesta D. (posted on January 7, 2003)

January 7, 2003
Hi Vesta: I just had WLS on 12/23 (it was my Christmas present!). I walked as much as I could prior to surgery and practiced deep breathing exercises. I also took vitamins and supplements. I tried to get myself in the best possible shape and according to my doctor, I did "phenomenally well." I weighte 530 before surgery. Best wishes to you!
   — Kelly B.

January 7, 2003
Vesta...I weighed in at 444 at my consultation. I am and was a water exercise instructor. I know the thought of a bathing suit sends most of us running BUT it really is a wonderful source of exercise for the obese. There is no GRAVITY to pull on us and you would be amazed at what you can do and your longevity in the pool.I'll let you in on another secret too the BARBIE DOLLS don't usually go to the pool:) Please feel free to e-mail me...I was back at work in 2 weeks and had my full energy back in 3 weeks and I really attribute it to the pool
   — Deanna_K

January 7, 2003
Get a beach ball or baloons and practice blowing them up. It is wonderful excercise for your lungs.
   — Dana B.

January 7, 2003
I second what Deanna said about using the pool. I did slow laps and walked in the pool, plus stretches. I could see myself going farther each day and know it increased my lung capacity. I found it much easier to balance and move, plus no sweating in the pool. It was the only excercise I found tolerable at my size. I was 460 at highest 412 day of surgery. Best of luck Carrie
   — Carrie R.

January 7, 2003
any form of exercising that you can tolerate. This surgery takes a lot out of you, so by exercising now you will have some reserves. If you can lose a few pounds ( if not dont worry about it ) this is helpful. Take your vitamins, and a few weeks before the surgery up your protein, this will help you heal. Best of luck
   — domestic G.

January 7, 2003
Gee you all make me feel like such a slug - the ONLY thing that I did to prep for surgery was show up...starting weight 424 - down to 321 in 5.5 months. Whoopie.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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