Uncontrollable yawning...

I know this sounds very weird - more and more lately I find myself yawning after I eat. This usually does not result in full-bore dumping, but just the overwhelming urge to yawn and yawn. It happened last night again. It is very unpredictable, and very embarassing. Any clues to the cause?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on January 3, 2003)

January 2, 2003
You eating more carbs / sugars? Try a ALL protein meal and see if it still occurs.
   — bob-haller

January 2, 2003
You are probably full. I hic-up, big, loud, uncontrolable, hic-ups. Sounds like I'm choking. It goes away after like 30 seconds. Good luck.
   — Carolynn J.

January 2, 2003
You are probably full. I hic-up, big, loud, uncontrolable, hic-ups. Sounds like I'm choking. It goes away after like 30 seconds. Good luck.
   — Carolynn J.

January 2, 2003
you don't take celexa by any chance do you?? ONe of the side effects is yawning. It drove me nuts.
   — Vicki L.

January 3, 2003
Hi Lori, One reason we yawn is that we are not either taking in enough O2 or we are not exhaling the CO2. So It could be while you are eating you are breathing very shallow. All the other answers could be right as well. Best to you!
   — Gina D.

January 3, 2003
Sounds like predumping or light dumping to me. I do this sometimes when I eat carbs or sugars. I don't really dump but I feel tired and yawn a lot and sometimes get hot.
   — ctyst

January 3, 2003
I call it stage one dumping. We were having a problem with this, too, early on. Doc says, "Are you dirnking with eating?" No, of course not! "Hmmmm, well, are you SIPPING?" Oh? sipping? Well, er, uh, maybe a little. We stopped, the sleepies stopped. I can get that feeling if I eat too fast or too much OR flush the food thru.
   — vitalady

January 3, 2003
I totally agree with the Carb theory. The same thing happens to me if I have carbs with my lunch (doesn't usually happen at dinner for some strange reason). I rarely have carbs with lunch, but every once in a while I will get a wrap sandwich (the only type of bread I can tolorate) for lunch. I eat mostly the filling, but if I have a couple of small bites of the wrap bread I will find myself yawning and a little sleepy within a half hour or so after I eat. This happens if I eat turkey meat at lunch as well. Turkey has that strange sleepy chemical in it.
   — pam29922

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