Blackheads between my legs?

This is a very embarrassing question and I wish I could post anonymously but I guess I can't so here goes. For several years, I have had blackheads on my inner things. I am talking uncountable because there are so many. I don't know if it is weight related or not. I can literally feel little balls in there have squeezed some like zits. Gross!! I know. Sometimes they even develop into small boils. Any ideas out there on what is causing them and how to get rid of them. Thanks!!    — lindadougherty (posted on January 1, 2003)

December 31, 2002
Acne type stuff can appear anywhere. And it can wait 30 years to show up. I have had blackheads on my face forever, and have tried just about everything to get rid of them without success. I dont mean to sound like a commercial, but I bought that proactive stuff off the TV. And honestly, I would pay 10 times its price, its that good. For 15 years I tried to get rid of these things...and after I started using it.....they ALL went away within a week. You might just give it a try.
   — RebeccaP

December 31, 2002
Don't be embarrased. I have had a few blackheads in the past and have had boils, really infected hairs, on my butt cheek 3 times. The first time I lived with it off and on for 9 months. After it flared up the 4th time I said cut it out. It was all green inside. The next time the infection was literally 1/4" from the previous one but this time I didn't screw with it and got it taken care of right away. It was so much less painful because I solved it right away. I actually had my GYN do the procedures as he does surgery all the time and he's used to being in that territory, so I felt more comfortable. LOL I actually had one on my other butt cheek this past summer but was able to open it up and get the stuff out and then it cleared up and went away.<p>This is not meant as a knock against your hygiene, but it's basically the sweat etc. that us obese folks tend to have from so much fat. I have found that Vagisil powder does a great job at drying out the area. Don't use baby powder as it can cause GYN problems. The Vagisil has corn starch in it. Also wash extra, especially in the summer. As far as the black heads I'd go with the other posters recommendation. Get rid of them and then use the Vagisil to keep things dry. Good Luck!
   — zoedogcbr

December 31, 2002
Hi Linda, I don't have that problem but what I have had in the past is chaffing. When my thighs would rub together and man o man that would hurt for days. One this I tried was to get those lady type boxer underpants, the long ones. And that was it! You can get them anywhere in cotton or nylon ( I would suggest cotton ). See if that helps. Happy New Year my friend!
   — Gina D.

January 1, 2003
I myself have suffered from the same problem... Funny I attributed it to the fact that I ALWAYS wear black pants. I just assumed because the legs rub together - the pores are bigger due to stretching the skin to the max!! I'm going to try the Proactive - I have some at home!! Good luck!
   — Wendy B.

January 1, 2003
I do not have blackheads, but I do get alot of chaffing, I have found the best that works for that is Monistat cream, yes the cream you use for yeast infections. I put alittle on at night and it helps, the monistat cream has medication that fights bactera, and it sounds strange but works great.
   — cindy

January 1, 2003
these suck!! i know first hand!!!! but i am assuming.. it is just not being able to keep it dry and clean.. the smaller we get.. (normal) we will be able to get rid of them... heck i say a treat for getting to goal weight should be a trip to the salon to get our whole body exfoiliated!! then a facial and then a massage.... you with me :).. those blackheads will slowly go away!! ~er
   — Erinn M.

January 1, 2003
I had the same problem. I have noticed that as Im losing weight, Im not getting them anymore. Also, the dark color on the inside of the thighs is fading to the same shade as the rest of my leg.
   — Valerie H.

January 1, 2003
Hey, yes I know what you are talking about. I work for an OB-GYN and have noticed that it is more commone w/ us larger gals. My doctor has given some folks a rx for Doxycycline I think to take for a pretty long while and it usually clears them up for an even longer period. If you are interested in the rx for sure email me and I will ask at work. The other comments are all things that he advises his pts to do as well. The rx is usually if the pt requests it or if it is severe.
   — Leigh S.

January 1, 2003
Well, You ladies aren't the only ones suffering from those nasty blackheads, us guys do too. It is the hairs on the inside of your legs that don't get to grow out because of your clothes are tight against your skin and/or your legs rubbing against one another. And the one that stated that they let one go for a long time and then they poped it, and green stuff came out, I hope they had it checked out good cause that sounded like GANGE GREEN, That could have killed them or made them loose their leg.
   — Grady E.

January 1, 2003
Yes, Proactiv Solution works. I literally was putting band-aids on my face I had adult acne so bad, then once I started using Proactiv, within two weeks I was cleared up and have had maybe two big zits in a year and a half, and that was only when I slacked off. You can get it at
   — cddgo

January 2, 2003
Hidradentis Suppurativa; go look that up in the AMOS database (or do a search online, just know that the pictures you see online are EXTREME cases which not all of us have). There are many posts about it!
   — Karen R.

January 2, 2003
Valerie, regarding your dark patches: Check out Acanthosis Nigrica. I have/had it due to my Endocrine Disorder (PCOS). and for the rest of you : I also have Hidradentis, I found a good description of it at the same site:
   — Karen R.

January 2, 2003
Oh my gosh !!! I thought I was the only person in the world who had this problem. Since I have been overweight since childhood I have had this problem for a very long time. At times one will turn into a huuuge cyst and very painful. I found that pantyhose makes it worse. In fact after reading this yesterday I got home last night to discover one!! Truly disgusting. I certainly hope it gets better after surgery.
   — Debra L.

January 3, 2003
hi, the boils and blackheads are from the sweat. The best thing to do is to use antibacterial soap. Use it 2 times a day. Us bigger folks produce more sweat in those areas, and in order for it to clear up, you need to keep the area bacteria free. Also, as you lose the weight and the thighs no longer rub each other, use an exfoliating scrub (even a facial scrub) for that area. The discoloration will be lifted with the scrubbing. It'll take about 1 month of using the scrub for you to see the difference. The scrub idea works for the neck also. Sometimes larger people have a dark ring around the base of the neck, and using a scrub definitely helps that. A good, inexpensive scrub to use is Apricot Scrub by St. Ive's. Good luck and feel free to email me with any more skin questions. (I'm an esthetician, (skin care specialist)).
   — Iris B.

January 7, 2003
Acanthosis Nigrica cannot be removed by scrubbing! Please don't try and hurt yourself over this condition. Weight loss positively affects it and you just need time for your body to adjust. No offense, but these two issues are not COSMETIC and should be looked at by medical professionals.
   — Karen R.

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