How do other pre-ops handle feeling uncomfortable in your body as you wait for WLS?

I am pre-op and waiting for insurance approval. I have not seen anyone else ask this question. Every day I seem to be growing more uncomfortable in my own body. It is an odd sensation. I want to jump out of my skin. This is strange for me because I have a good life and have strived to not let my weight limit me any more than necesary. I am not at ease anymore in this 393lb body. Has anyone else experienced this and how did you manage while you waited? I look forward to some of the good things I can create in my life and the lives of others once I am the size I feel I am in my heart. It is as if this body size no longer works for me now that I know it is not a life-long prison sentence.    — Ann B. (posted on December 31, 2002)

December 31, 2002
Yes, I felt very uncomfortable in my body as I waited on surgery also. I think that for me, I just tolerated my body fat because I figured I was stuck with it for the rest of my life. Then when I found out that I could get rid of it with surgery, I was impatient to get rid of it and got real tired of hauling it around.
   — joeandteri

January 1, 2003
Interesting - from the time I decided I wanted this surgery until the day they wheeled me in I felt icky in my body. I always did feel icky, but it doubled and tripled around that time. I couldn't stand to even look at myself in the mirror and suddenly nothing fit well and food irritated me. I still loved it - but it irritated me nonetheless lol. How do deal with it? Gee I'm not sure I did. Honestly, I just lived on this site until the day I had surgery. Keeping busy seemed to help me.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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