thyroid medicine and weight loss

My Doctor put me on thyroid medicine. I took it reguarly for 3 weeks, During that time I did not lose any weight, Then I stopped taking it and I dropped 8 pounds. My thyroid is only a little off. I only take .05 of levoxyl a day. I decided to stop taking it and lose my weight and then worry about the thyroid. Has anyone else had a problem with losing weight and taking their thyroid meds?    — nicole79 (posted on December 31, 2002)

December 30, 2002
hi - As for taking your thyroid med. for 3 weeks , i think you need to take it acouple of months before you can notice a difference . i have been taking mine for over 2 yrs. and they have me up to .0175 on the strength . my thyroid was VERY off . my doctor said it is not to make you lose weight , but to get your metabolism working , get alittle energy . you might want to talk to your doctor or the nurse about this , see if what i say is true ....... good luck
   — patti G.

December 30, 2002
Your thyroid medication is VERY important! Not just for weight loss! I have been taking thyroid medication for hypothyroidism for 12 years (since I was 12 years old) and the doctor's believe that is why I am so overweight. I steadily gained weight from age 5 to age 12 because my thyroid problem went undiagnosed. Once I started taking my medication a bunch of problems I didn't even realize I had got better. My fingers and toes would get so cold, they were purple. I was always so exhausted. I still noticed these symptoms if I miss taking my medication for a day or too. Are you hypo or hyper?
   — JLP9805

December 30, 2002
Your thyroid medication is VERY important! Not just for weight loss! I have been taking thyroid medication for hypothyroidism for 12 years (since I was 12 years old) and the doctor's believe that is why I am so overweight. I steadily gained weight from age 5 to age 12 because my thyroid problem went undiagnosed. Once I started taking my medication a bunch of problems I didn't even realize I had got better. My fingers and toes would get so cold, they were purple. I was always so exhausted. I still noticed these symptoms if I miss taking my medication for a day or too. Are you hypo or hyper?
   — JLP9805

December 30, 2002
I have been hypothyroid since 1993 and on Synthroid. Do not fool with this as your thyroid regulates many important body systems. I had surgery April 2002 and have lost 101# and feeling super and haven't stopped the thyroid meds. Talk to your Dr. Takes about 8-12 wks for thyroid to stabilize when starting meds. Please do not fool with this -- its important. My best to you in 2003!
   — AJC750

December 31, 2002
Hi hon, I can relate to your concerns but you need to realize that there is a reason your dr put you on the thyriod medicine and it wasnt to sabatage your weight loss but to help regulate your system. I am on synthroid and been on it for years and still take it. I still lost a 125 pnds and I am among the "snail losers" you will still lose weight even if you take your medicine so please do what the dr tells you to do good luck
   — Deanna Wise

December 31, 2002
Hi. I am also on Levoxyl and I don't think it has affected my weight loss at all. I am 5 weeks post-op and have lost 42 pounds. So like everything else I think it might just be an individual thing. But please make sure it's ok with your doc to stop taking them. You want your thyroid working correctly! Good luck! :)
   — NikkiCarter

December 31, 2002
I also take Levoxyl. It helps keep my thyroid regulated. It has nothing to do with weight. It is true that a person with low thyroid will gain weight or lose weight slowly- but it is NOT true that the thyroid meds perscribed will take off that weight. It does not work that way. Also remember that the thyroid is a VERY important part of your body and it regulates alot of your bodily functions, physically and emotionally. It is not a medication that should be stopped just because of weight. You would not stop blood pressure medication, would you? My advice- take the Levoxyl- talk to your doctor and comply to treatment.
   — Jan S.

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