Does anyone not weigh themselves post-op?

I have been thinking of losing my scale and relying on the doctor's appointments for my weights. When I lost a ton of weight before I became so scale obsessed as well as exercise obsessed. I was losing 1-1/2 lbs per day and found myself weighing at least once a day. I want to try and keep these issues in check after surgery. For me success will be any amount fo weight lost because I will be healthier. I will be able to tell how I am doing by the way my closthes will get looser. I'm just afraid if I allow the scale back into my house things will be the same again. I want to get to a point that I know my body and know when I have not done right by it and use that knowledge to get back on track. Numbers on a scale can be a wonderful and disappointing thing. I want to focus only on the positives of this new life I will have. If I never reach some weight published in some book but still lose a bunch of weight I will be happy. If I am able to take 2-4 mile walks, and bike 15 miles and do whatever I want then I will be happy. I can maybe see once I've reached the low end maybe checking my weight once a month or so, to keep things in check but I'm afraid on the way down it might not be so good for me. Maybe I should give my scale to my counselor and when I see her monthly weigh myself then. Anybody else struggle with this issue?    — zoedogcbr (posted on December 22, 2002)

December 22, 2002
I've thought the same thing. I like to go by how my clothes feel and since I have clothes in every size, it will be fun to see what fits this week. The scale tends to drive me crazy and I'm hoping that once I am post op (in 2.5 weeks!) I will have the guts to throw it away.
   — susanje

December 22, 2002
I decide before my surgery that I wasn't even going to worry about how much weight I lost. I only rely on my visits to my surgeon's office for my follow up exams to find out how much I weigh. I think I would get discouraged if I weighed more often and only saw 3-5 pds disappearing. My last visit I lost 40 pds. I go again tomorrow to see how much more it has been. It's easier on me this way.
   — dkinson

December 22, 2002
I don't use the scale I have at home, ever. It's never been a reliable one anyway and should just be tossed. I use the scale at the local truckstop. LOL, I know I'm strange(it's one of those you put in a quarter and get weight, fortune and lucky numbers). I discovered pre-op that it weighs the same as my surgeon's scale. I only go to the truckstop and weigh in every week or two, sometimes less. This way I'm not obsessing and yet I have a record of my weightloss. I figure as I'm further out I'll still weigh monthly at least, to help ward off any pounds that might creep back on. Good luck! - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -98lbs.
   — Anna L.

December 22, 2002
One of the best decisions I made was to weigh only on Mondays. I am 14 weeks postop, no plateus yet, although I realize there will be plateus eventually. I only weigh at the scales at work also. Trying different scales only makes you crazy, if they weigh you less, they are right, if they weigh heavy, they are wrong. Why do we do these things to ourselves. Anyway, 14 weeks postop tomorrow, down 73# as of last Monday. LOL.
   — Dana S.

December 22, 2002
Well I just I go aganist the flow again. I weigh every day now that I have found a scale that is good. Before I was to heavy to get weighed on most scale (376), and found the scales at GNC very inaccurate. I try to use my scale to get me motivated. If it isnt moving I increase my water and exercise. It works for me. I would suggest that you take your measurements before surgery. That can be even more exciting than the weight loss. GOOD LUCK!!!
   — paulsgirl

December 22, 2002
I rarely weigh. I have "scale rules". I have to be "naked & empty". If I shower ot brush my teeth, TOO LATE. I moved the scale into the other bathroom so that I have to get dressed, run down the hall, get naked, weigh, get dressed. Whew. I weigh if I feel esp thin, usually. The scale had total control over my mood. 1# up & I was crushed all day, 1# down & I was walking on air. TOO much control. The first 2 yrs, I weighed at the doc's office. Same scale, dressed, with food on board, but at least same to same. I think you're wise to realize the scale can make you crazy.
   — vitalady

December 23, 2002
I dont weigh myself at home. The psychologist who runs my support group suggests that when we are in the 'losing' phase postop, that we dont get on the scale except at a doctors visit. She sais she's seen too many people have the scale 'mess with their head'. I KNOW I would be one of these people who would obscess over ever lb up or down. So Im just gonna stay off the scale at home till I get near goal weight. Til then... I gauge how I am doing by the size of my pants going down; how my wedding ring doesnt fit any more; how much water displacement there is when I get in the hot tub; etc.
   — Valerie H.

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