Does anyone wear a medic alert ID tag?

I'm pre-op, and was wondering if anyone wears any kind of medic Alert ID? If something happened and you were unconcious how would a Dr that doesnt know you, know that you've had this surgery? Could there be complications if an ER DR didnt' know? I don't mean to sound pessimistic {SP} but it's something I was wondering about. Thanks.. and Happy Holidays    — KellyJeanB (posted on December 21, 2002)

December 21, 2002
Hi Kelly Jean. Lots of people do wear medic alert (or other brand) medical bracelets noting that they've had a gastric bypass. Others don't feel it is necessary. I wear one that says "Gastric Bypass - Do Not Blindly Place N/G Tube. Use Endoscopy." If you do a search in the AMOS library under "bracelet," you'll find loads of Q&A threads about this topic. Good luck!
   — Suzy C.

December 21, 2002
you bet i do! there are really nice ones that can contain little folded pieces of paper in case of emergency. we have two hospitals in town and i wouldn't send my dogs to the one i am not a patient of, so i understand your concern. it is worth the piece of mind!
   — kultgirl

December 21, 2002
ALWAYS. It has a few things listed, allergies, my WLS, etc. I have a real Medic Alert, so it inc. Medic Alert ph # & my MA #. ALL the details are registered with them, docs, ph #, conditions--everything. I have 2, one for neck, one for wrist.
   — vitalady

December 21, 2002
Hi Kelly, of course I wear one! It has not only put me at ease knowing that a doctor who doesn't know I've had the surgery will know after seeing the bracelet I wear. I got mine at a J C Penney store in the department where they do watch repairs. I'm very pleased with it because most of the other bracelets/necklaces I've seen are costly. This bracelet ran about $26 and you can either have it engraved there or take it anywhere you'd like. I have on mine an emergency number (my mother's phone) and have it stating that I am a gastric bypass patient and to not place NG tube in me without consulting my physician first.
   — Carole M.

December 22, 2002
My surgeon said it wasn't necessary, so I don't wear one.
   — Debbi S.

December 23, 2002
I wear one. I figure it would be needed if Im run over by a bus or something where I cant talk and my abdomen is cut up to the point where the trauma surgeon cant see the scar from the RNY
   — Valerie H.

December 24, 2002
Hi! I was worried the same way you are. I have a medic alert bracelet and it puts me at ease. I know that most people say it isn't necessary but it makes me feel safer which is why I wear it. I am registerd with medicalert and they have all my information so all the dr has to do is call the number and get all my information. Good luck and God bless. 3 months post open RNY -64 pounds
   — Rebekah A.

December 24, 2002
I wear one....and although it WAS costly, I'll tell you, it looks just like one of those Tiffany's tag heart bracelets. :) I figured if I'm going to be wearing it everyday, I might as well get something nice. I got mine at, and all it says is "gastric bypass patient." I also carry a card in my wallet with all the other info. Good luck!
   — Tamara K.

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