Why am I so hot all the time?

I am a little over 8 months post-op and I stay hot all the time. I thought that after losing 118 lbs. that I would finally cool off, but that just hasn't happened. I know that fat stores estrogen and when you lose weight you start to lose the estrogen (I will be 50 next week) but I had a complete hysterectomy four and half years ago. Shouldn't all of my estrogen be gone? I do not take hormones, we haven't been able to find any that I can take, they all give me migraines...I am also afraid of them because they say that they can cause breast cancer.    — Brenda V. (posted on December 18, 2002)

December 18, 2002
It sounds hormonal. If you are not at high risk for breast cancer you should consider taking hormones(talk to your GYN). Your risk for osteoporosis is extremely high if you do not take hormones. The calcium you are taking is not absorbed if you do not have estrogen. Pam RN
   — Pam W.

December 18, 2002
It also sounds hormonal. In addition to your risks mentioned above. My mother passed away from early onset Alzheimer's at age 59. She didn't take hormone replacements. The research and her doctors said her Alzheimer's could possibly be linked to it. I beg everyone out there to please take hormone replacement therepy after menopause or hysterectomies. Linda, RN
   — lindadougherty

December 18, 2002
hi there :) i agree with others, i bet its hormonal. all i do is shiver since my surgery. best of luck to you. :)
   — carrie M.

December 19, 2002
Estrogen controls body temp so it is the lack of estrogen that may be causing the heat..if you can't take hormone replacement, try eating alot of soy products and finding some natural supplements to take, like black Kohosh (spelling?)
   — Cindy R.

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