Anyone taking Actos pre-op for Type II Diabetes?

I have been taking Actos( oral med) for my Type II Diabetes for about a year now.I am retaining so much fluid.I have gained about 30# since starting on it in Oct. 2001. I am preop and hoping to have my WLS in late Febuary or early March. Any suggestions on how to cope with this fluid build up would be appreciated. I hope to be able to get off of this stuff after surgery.Thanks in advance for your help.    — Helen L. (posted on December 17, 2002)

December 17, 2002
Actos and Avandia both can cause swelling and weight gain, as well as shortness of breath. Talk to your PCP, I would ask about discontinuing the Actos. Are you taking any other antidiabetes meds? Glucophage and/or Glucatrol or any sulfonylurea would be effective in lowering your sugars. If you are already on all 3 different agents, consider Lantus insulin at bedtime in addition to all the other meds but not the Actos. This fluid buildup is not healthy for you. Talk to your PCP.
   — Dana S.

December 17, 2002
I was on Actos pre-op. I did have some problems with fluid. I was also on a blood pressure medicine which included a mild diuretic. When my doc increased the BP med to get my BP under better control, the extra fluid went away. You also tend to gain weight on Actos not due to fluid, because your blood sugar is better. Talk with your PCP and see what he or she thinks is going on in your case. BTW, I am off all three diabetes meds and both BP meds since I got out of the hospital!
   — Susan A.

December 17, 2002
Dear Helen: I had been diagnosed with type II Diabetes about 2 years prior to my surgery. I was taking oral medications, also. I was also on medication for HBP, arthritis, and I had to sleep with a C-pap machine for sleep apnea. I also had very bad swelling in my feet and legs. I was in misery. After my surgery in October, the doctor took me off all my meds. I was scared, but very happy. I currently take a flintstones vitamin and a tums every day. That is a big difference from 13 pills a day. I am feeling great. First of all, I've lost about 55 lbs. Secondly all my medical problems are no longer a problem. My sugar is around 130-133, my bp is 146/65 and my arthitis doesn't seem to be bothering me at all. In the hospital, they were giving me insulin shots because the trauma to my body caused my sugar to spike. (that's natural, I understand.) Afterward, it took a week or two for my sugar to get below 180, but it did and it hasn't gone back up at all. Hope this helps answer your question. I'll pray that your surgery is uncomplicated and your pain minimal. God bless. See you on the other side!!! Martha
   — Martha P.

December 18, 2002
Edema (swelling) is a side effect of the medication Actos. I was also taking Actos for Diabetes pre-op, but my PCP prescribed lasix (a diuretic) to counteract the edema, and also cut back on my dosage of Actos. Ask your physician for a prescription for lasix, and wherever you go, make sure you know where there is a bathroom.
   — Arlene S.

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