I posted last evening but it would give me an error

I had my surgery on oct2, 2002. (open). I would like to here from ppl who had surgery around the same time. I am feeling really depressed lately. according to im eating like 1200 cal a day. here is an example of what I had yesterday. 1. 3/4 bowl of cereal with milk 2. small can of tuna with little mayo on crackers (about 8-9) and also a Large orange 3. 3/4 cup of spag with little sauce. Is this normal? Or maybe normal isnt the right word. Im afraid that Im one of the failures for this surgery. If your going to post any negative comments, I think Im already low and dont need to be put down about what im eating. All I need is some feedback, just be nice about it.    — Schatzie1 (posted on December 10, 2002)

December 9, 2002
It looks like you are eating too many carbs (cereal, crackers, spaghetti) and not enough protein (milk, tuna). Also, it would appear that 1200 calories is too many for you at this stage. I'm almost 5 months, and a lot of the time, I struggle to even get to 600 calories a day (I know I should be at 800, but I can't handle that right now and my weight loss is doing well). I'd say that you need to up the protein and cut down on the carbs...JR (open RNY 07/17 -122 lbs)
   — John Rushton

December 9, 2002
I agree that you're probably eating too many carbs. I am pre-op, but the most success I've had recently on any diet has been the Atkins approach, which is a very high-protein, low-carb plan. It is pretty severe in its restriction of carbs, but you may do well to just make sure you are eating protein at every meal, and then if you have room, have your carbs after the protein. I really think it works better in general, and certainly from reading the posts from those who are post-op, the high protein plan seems to be the way to go. I know from my own experience, the more carbs I eat, the more I want. High protein seems to cut those cravings and break the cycle. Good luck to you!
   — Carlita

December 9, 2002
Hi. I had my open RNY on October 21st. My doctors nutritionist has me on about 600 calories at this point and much less carbs than you seem to be eating. My diet consists of mostly protein. Were you given a diet to follow as part of your aftercare? If not, I strongly suggest you call and ask for one, you do seem to be eating a little bit too many calories and too many carbs at this point. Good luck!
   — Linda 1.

December 10, 2002
Rose, you are not a failure. Goodness, you are only 2 months post-op! You have a good year and several months to continue losing weight, so don't despair. Not to put you down-don't look it at that way-look at it as some good advice from those who are much further along than you, you do need to tweak your diet. Because if you don't you will greatly slow down the weight loss and I know you don't want to do that! Here are some helpful tips- try to get protein in at every meal. If you can't or don't want to (there are days I do the spaghetti with no meat!), then add a supplement to get in that protein (shake, protein bar..). Try making the first meal of the day a protein one without carbs. I've heard from others, and I have found the same, that if I eat carbs for breakfast, like cereal or toast, I get hungry faster and want to eat carbs all day. Try a scrambled egg with some melted cheese in it, if you can handle eggs. Or I know others that have a protein bar for breakfast. For lunch, try a 1/2 of a meat sandwich on whole grain bread (the bread is a good carb and the meat has more protein than the tuna). Try snacking on a handful of nuts in addition to the fruit for X-tra protein. I also have at least 1/2 a protein bar a day as a snack(chocolate, of course!) Anyways, keep your chin up, you are not a failure at all and will be successful-just tweak a little!
   — Cindy R.

December 10, 2002
I've found that I'm less hungry if I concentrate on eating protein. Then, since I'm less hungry, I eat less. It's a viscious cycle if you get off it, but a very helpful cycle once you get on it. Also, I wonder how you're handling the liquids. Water loading before meals will make you less hungry. You should be drinking LOTS of liquids at this stage of your recovery. But you shouldn't be drinking any liquids with your meals. A support group might help you identify some post-op eating strategies that would be helpful for you to decrease your hunger.
   — Kathy J.

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